
Hmm you sound like somebody I know - did you used to live in a place called abbreviated CC?

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I am really going to date myself but I credit The ahem older Muppets with convincing me that life is inherently hilarious.

I like how everybody’s going ZOMG TERRIBLE when this is the current Joker in New52:

With the whole Crawford thing...while her mom was excitedly telling us all we kept thinking was, “there wasn’t one character...anyone else you love enough to name your daughter after?”

That one to the right of the blue Vader will disagree with you.

Let it be known that if some paparazzo interferes with the Deadpool movie, I will hypothetically kick them in the hypothetical junk.

In all sincerity, see about some therapy if you haven’t already.

I’d like to see how Rand Paul makes Christian values work within Ayn Rand’s ‘Everything-for-me-nothing-for-you’ platform.

The otters do love to eat that. Last time I tried abalone it was like shoe leather.

and can crack rocks against their chests or something if this one friend I had who was really into otters was right

Fourth grade, circa 2001

Preach it Doc! Preach it!

Why is Dick in a Playboy? Hmmmm.

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Drew really seems to get a lot of attention trolling Minecraft fans. At this point, it's clear he's not going to appreciate the game so here's an old review from Yahtzee AKA Zero Punctuation:

Doctors take that - my guess would be that most of the people working at an on campus psychology clinic aren't MDs. They certainly weren't where I went to college.

We do lots of 'crazy' things for children who are suffering.

As an IT Tech, I never recommend an all in one computer.

... And now I get the joke. I like it.

Some other people have the same perspective as you. I'm going to tell you what I told them: we only have her side of it to go off of. From her side of it, he absolutely does not sound trapped or like he was coerced into this. Given the situation that could very well be the case, but since we haven't heard from