
That’s the U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, if anyone’s interested.



Racism is prejudice + power. There is no systemic force that reinforces black supremacy or protects black people simply by virtue of being black, therefore racism doesn’t apply to black people.

Jesus. Note to Texas judges: The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean is not a training video.

Add to the fact that for this year’s seniors twitter has been around since they were eight years old so they’ve literally grown up with social media and know how to use it effectively. Also, their trolling of the right-wing is leaving us adults in the dust.

And they’ve learns from those who’ve gone before them. NPR had a story last week about how some of the parents from Newtown were supporting and helping the Parkland students.

And because he’s a murderous madman with true dictatorial ambitions who happens to be exceedingly popular in his own country. Duterte represents everything Trump wants - near absolute power, cult of personality, and the veneer of democratic legitimacy.

“So, what do you want to talk about today?” the thin Asian woman across from me asks. She asks this twice a week

The trolls are already angry too. Coverage must’ve struck a nerve. Not sure who let them out, though.

I’m thrilled he gets to sit in a corner and think about what he’s done, but this was the shoe I’ve been half-expecting to drop ever since a) he threw that whiny fit in his presser b) since Chris Fowler (who is just … let’s just say when ESPN sent him over from the football bench a few years ago he had trouble

Also, make sure it’s a “fell swoop,” rather than a “fail swoop.” ;)

He occasionally impersonates a halfway reasonable human, but he sure didn’t used to. Ah well. Anyone can improve. Still hope for wypipo.

I know, right - that’s the beginning of a lyric right there