I’ve had my assistance refused while an employee waited for the real techs (i.e. younger males) to arrive.
I’ve had my assistance refused while an employee waited for the real techs (i.e. younger males) to arrive.
Is this where we come to make fun of the Cubs and their fans?
Ah, used to watch this show in college.
The link for what should be the Thomas Friedman article goes to one from Miriam Jordan?
Time’s Man of the Year includes Adolf Hitler (1938), Joseph Stalin (1939 and 1942), Nikita Krushchev (1957) and Ayatolla Khomeini (1979)
Remember, a LOT of people said, “I don’ wanna vote for Hillary Clinton because REASONS but I’m not going to vote for Trump, so I’ll vote for This Other Crazed Lunatic”.
Apparently, there’s bat-sh*t crazy and then there’s Alabama Republican Party Bat-Sh*t Crazy.
Straight from the comics:
I like you, and your máscara, but I’m going to disagree with you on this one.
And, clearly, The Superior Catwoman.
They’ll be making TV shows on Disney+ starting with The Mandalorian.
It isn’t about logic - it’s about the US Constitution’s 8th Amendment:
I was kind of surprised it was so many.
Apparently he released 15 albums and had 32 singles get on to the Billboard Country charts, per Wikipedia.
It’s kind of a mushy definition. But yes, Marvel started printing Conan in 1970 and Speedy’s Heroin use was covered in 1971. Some do date it specifically with Gwen Stacy’s death in 1973, but some also say it started with the death of her father in 1970.
And the worst thing is everybody can see how bad Brexit is going to go. It’s like everybody’s watching a low speed car wreck. It can be slow going but it’s going to have a hell of an impact because of the mass involved.
That was a great one. I thought Michael Keaton was particularly inspired.
I see thee yet, in form as palpable
As this which now I draw.
Requesting a link repair to:
“would would would”