
I rolled my eyes so hard, I think I saw my brain!

The Root way to reply to a gray troll is to screen cap their message, then reply to yourself, post the image in jpg and then reply.

Anybody tell him that Vandalism =/= LITERAL BOMBINGS.

This is possibly wishful thinking due to my own comic book nerd status, but this would open up the Heroes for Hire: Power Man & Iron Fist:

I remember The Pot Rebellion of ‘73. We had just pulled Charlie out of his damn rathole where the bastard was hiding, but he wouldn’t talk. So we got out the wooden spoon and - I still have nightmares about it.

Wait - “racism a lovable neighbor” - hang on, I’ve got this here somewhere

Identity Evropa is a SPLC designated Hate Group.

She has solid proof now. Prior to that she had family history, whose academic rigor is suspect. As in, genealogists and historians made posts on this site about what documentation is required.

Right now, if I mouse over The Root’s bar at the top of the screen to pull the 5 most popular recent stories, they include this article and an article entitled, “How Do I Legally Prove Native American Ancestry” published last year.

My Grandmother grew up during the War, and she watched as cities burned and families were torn apart.

Still wanting Terry Crews more in the role of John Henry. Clearly, this is a role for a master thespian.

This is also ‘ideally’ engineered against Hispanic communities. There’s a lot of flexibility in names because ‘Traditionally*’ your first name is your Saint’s name, followed by your given name and then your family name (or names).

On top of that, there are teams of election lawyers in every single competitive county in Georgia ready to strike on behalf of voting rights.

It is over when your opponent concedes.

So back when the US Constitution was being ratified, the states that expected to see a lot of growth wanted to see proportional representation. This was the Virginia Plan. The smaller states started to raise discontent and proposed a set number of senators per state. This was called the New Jersey Plan.

ending to I Am Legend, where Will Smith was actually the monster and the zombies were only attacking him because he kept kidnapping and killing them?

Thank you for writing this. I’m sorry you experienced this. And thank you for the insight you’ve provided, especially the part about grooming of the family.

He spent three years in jail, probably for something else.

Regarding why Spacey’s Luthor stabs Superman instead of shooting him: shooting him isn’t personal - it’s done at a distance, and it might represent the industrialization of warfare (or not), but Luthor and Supes, that’s personal.

Okay, I must know as a fellow Lit Lover - in which State or Province did the tire slicing occur? (Aside from the State of Denial...)