I know, right?!
I know, right?!
I’d also bet that Mr. Allen popped a few of his tendons just flipping the car, but there’s also a good chance there was some air in the car providing buoyancy.
Maybe they quietly mumble their obscenities and give their opponents a thumb’s up?
Chevalier de Saint-Georges would also make a good movie - he was the first classical composer of African Ancestry, and he was a champion fencer.
Yesha, Congrats and Have Fun!
I haven’t been a fan of John McCain for about 8 years but I did enjoy him sticking his finger into Trump’s eye. When Cadet Bonespurs criticized a guy that had spent 5 1/2 years as a POW, after which McCain could never lift his hands over his head, Trump was clearly out of his gourd.
College acceptance will also be based on some of the interests at the college - everybody points to sports as an example, but my own college had a Cadet Corps and my High School was a Military High School, which is how I got into college.
I dislike being hateful but I’m kind of hoping they can put him in the general prison/jail population. They’ll probably ‘settle his hash’.
If my pre-coffee brain is working, my college required freshman to live on campus their first year. However, freshman got the first priority on dorm space (and the freshman were sorted onto entire floors), so WTH.
The “role model” clauses are also about continuing the local culture as it exists - with all of the local culture’s vices. I think most places have replaced it with a “moral turpitude” rule, which has enough flexibility to be used for anything unusual or questionable.
I’m wondering if it was about the change thing more than anything else. But yeah, the purchasers were unprofessional. That whole interaction was shifty as hell.
What was that about cookies?
“Who would sit back and watch a criminal beat a lady like that?” Daniels asked AL.com.
Well, hopefully, that dashcam video will help put this guy away.
When someone refers to people who wear flip-flops in January as “white walkers” while it might be disparaging
Yeah, I ain’t buying whatever this judge is selling. The guy is on trial for killing somebody. Doesn’t matter what the defense is. Apparently the new way to put the victim on trial is to not call him a victim.
I think it comes from the word ‘cur’ which is either an “aggressive dog or a dog in poor condition” or a “contemptible man”.
Let it go to the full monty.