
My eyes are rolling so far back in my head, I may have trouble driving.

It’ll be okay - I suppose I could always root for a backup team. I hear the Shanghai Dragons are looking for fans in the Overwatch League?

The FBI has an image of it.

Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity.

The FBI is not in charge of an organizations backups. If this server was important enough that elections were on it, they should have a backup of it.

Per Wikipedia, the charges were Obstruction of Justice, Conspiracy, and 2 counts of making false statements to investigators.

Kennesaw State University, the college that houses the Center for Election Systems, wiped the servers clean.

Well, I thought I’d seen it all with the Heimdall argument.

Well, he’s in custody, and the case looks like a slam dunk, and this guy seemed to be living on the margins already (homeless, a restraining order by a hospital, ex-con) so I think we’ll see a confession and that will hopefully confirm (or establish) his motivations.

Another tactic is to require photo ID.

Residents could borrow any white man they wanted, marry it, and return it for someone else to marry.

The Democratic party’s s**t stinks same as everyone else. There is no one without sin or stain, and no organization without fault somewhere.

I love the “Michael Harriot is the WORST THING EVER to happen to Black People,” bit. My inner historian looks over the glasses resting on the end of his nose and asks, “Wow - wait, worse than Slavery? Because that would be very impressive.”

Kinja name checks out.

I want to know how you can misspell Harriot with TWO Hs?

I’m going to agree and disagree with you. I agree that Appalachian crimes are probably under-reported. The people I knew when I lived there generally handled things with less intervention because they viewed cops as outsiders, but that could’ve been a statistical blip.

My understanding is that the reparations are for slavery..

NEDD, thanks for the hard numbers.

HA HA HA HA HA!! “Appalachia has nowhere near the amount of violent crime as all majority black areas?”

Given the number of alcoholics in my family, I will concede this point.