He obsessed about polio the way Jan obsessed about Marcia.
He obsessed about polio the way Jan obsessed about Marcia.
I think we need to look at rates of fire and clip size. Gotta look at the two of them together.
Okay, while I’m pretty sure Bill Burr isn’t stalking you, I’m also pretty sure that totally does count as Michael Harriot’s fault.
This is a really good piece, Michael. And it resonates.
It’s important to know that everybody will need different types of help and your situation will probably different than mine or Phyllis’s or anybody’s.
I almost kind of want her to have said nothing and slowly, while maintaining eye contact, push the ‘call attendant’ button.
A guy I used to know would just hit the roof if his dog did anything wrong. Presumably if he didn’t have company, he’d just beat the stuffing out of it. Sam’s dog sounds a lot like that.
So like all the other Oligarchs?
Oh, look, a minefield.
This is from the LA Times regarding what Wilson said, per her cellmate:
No worries!
Yes and no - per the chart:
To be fair, English chases down other languages, beats them senseless in an alley, and steals their stuff.
For now.
I was impressed with Rihanna’s outfit because I fully expect a bunch of google searches for ‘Pope Hat’ which is going to be hillarious for the legal blog at www.popehat.com
To be fair, I’m not sure most US evangelicals understand the concept of Christianity, let alone getting the part of “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.”
Herr Trumpenfurher’s treatment at the hands of the former Presidents and their families has been a joy to behold.