
The hidden underbelly to all this is that it is a heck of a lot cheaper to just pay the ransom.

Ah, the Twinkie outrage of 2012:

I wanna know if we can get Tina Turner to MC.

Depends on the Civil War. See Boxer Rebellion.

You can’t separate the word “nigger” from 500 years of slavery, 100 years of Jim Crow, thousands of lynchings and the violation of constitutional rights.

It’s here, along with the attribution to the Washington Post that it’s unclear if the dead suspect was killed by one of Gaskill’s bullets or his own:

I can’t help you there Rooo, I’m a comic book geek, so my response to that type of thing is atypical.

Nick Cage named his kid Kal-El.

Great article.

House rules were no Jokers, because we lost ‘em.

I think Cinco de Mayo is one of those ‘depends on where you’re at’ kind of holidays. I live in a majority Hispanic city, so we tend to take it kind of seriously here as a Holiday, whereas other places it’s more an appropriated holiday people use to get drunk.

Sounds like somebody said in the teacher’s lounge, “Great Ceasar’s Ghost! I heard young Miss The Intersectional Feminist part dos was missing her pants last Tuesday afternoon!” (Commence mad fluttering of fans in moral outrage!)

I’m kinda wondering if this article gives flaming hot dumpster fires a bad name.

Yeah, they put DA Gonzalez on and he said exactly that, on camera. He was regretful but stated that their goal was for Vasquez not to re-offend.

You in Eastern Texas?

Ugh, sorry you had to go through that.

From what I’m reading, NatGeo is being sold to Disney along with the other 21st Century Fox assets.

I used to worry about this but now I just tip 20%. But I have family who serve food, so there’s that.

I thought it was that you either had to be followed or somebody had to hit recommend on your post.

Unbelievable Gwenpool is one of those great comics. And the last issue, I was not crying, it was all this rain! Inside my house!