
I play a lot of games, and basically, opening a loot crate is the same as opening a Pokemon booster pack (or Magic or L5R - Purple Ponies Represent!) or opening a loot pack in Star Wars the old republic or a loot box in TF2.


This is clearly a Kaiju - look at the scale of the buildings around it? All it needs is some children to be friends with and POW - GAMERA!

This is why I totally ship Rey and Finn.


In the old Expanded Universe (RIP WEG Star Wars), Rebellion Special Forces had a group called (and forgive me, I can’t find a reference to double check so I believe the name is off) 23-ers.

I think AWF should send a card to the lingerie fan saying ‘thanks for the lingerie, unfortunately, it makes my butt chafe, so I am sending it back - <3 Roger Inkman, #3927489, Maricopa County Correctional Facility’

In Warcraft stuff, a lot of times, that third mysterious force is good old fashioned bigotry.

Well, I’m pretty sure Gul’dan or maybe Blackhand are the “We urinate pure liquid malevolence,” types. Gul’dan is certainly.

(shrug) The Martins have moved on. It’s us who haven’t since we weren’t previously party to this.

For example: a few weeks ago, 103-year-old Genora Biggs was told by her pastor that she was no longer welcome to attend Union Grove Baptist Church, a church she had attended for 92 years, allegedly because she had the nerve to disagree with his style of preaching. When she showed up for services anyway, they called

No, I’m guessing Queso’s issue is that when this church school says “We’ll pray for you,” they really mean “We aren’t going to help you because you’re a filthy sinner, but we will pray that you become more like us because we are always right.”

As always, there’s the occasional jackass who’s standing on the prize on PvE servers. On PvP servers, it’s a lot more violent but that’s part of the territory.

The list includes Cyborg Superman being ‘vulnerable’ to Omega Beams. This seems to me kind of like saying Martian Manhunter is vulnerable to being on the surface of the sun. EVERYTHING is vulnerable to the surface of the sun, except if stated otherwise. I’m pretty sure Darkseid’s Omega Beams work the same way.

Well, as much as you’d love to be rid of Texas (where I live), it isn’t going to happen - not for any patriotic reason, but because the matter was already decided in 1869.

It’s important to realize that the Emporer had the autonomy to do what he wanted, however he wanted. Given that the Emporer also appears to have had some level of precognition, it’s not hard to present a scenario where hidden archives of Jedi lore are destroyed in industrial accidents, new construction plowing over

One of my favorite issues of Astro City had a newspaper editor show his most important article to an up and coming cub reporter. The article was about a dead shark found on the railroad tracks. The (then young) editor revealed that he had witnessed a tremendous underground super-battle between all the major players -

I will say the “Renew Your Vows” has been great. One element that’s fantastic is the part where all the villains basically expect Spider-man banter and Spidey just lays into them. Hell, even the Power Pack kids expect banter and he’s got zero banter to give.

Well my problem is that once I start playing the main F:NV game, I meet Caesar’s Legion and my gut instinct consists of “All these Mother F****rs NEED to DIE.” Suffice it to say, I look forward to fighting the Legion in the snow.

That’s true, I don’t know how well she did or did not hide her cutting.