
Only if you can't turn the lights OFF.

I guess it's like that theory where, if you have an infinite amount of monkeys smashing at typewriters, one of them will eventually write the works of Shakespeare

Yeah first thing I thought of was Swift...

This may be my new favorite quote of the day, "Yay, I'm not completely stupid."

Related to Space Cadets Dice Duels is the Space Cadets game, which is reviewed here:

These are terrible terrible puns!

I'll be playing this over the weekend - the choices for season 1 were traumatic enough that my wife and I had trouble getting to bed in a timely manner.

Wow, this guy is AWESOME! He ALMOST makes me want to be a Raider's Fan!

You should read this book. Because I really really hope this is a movie someday.

If I were to hazard a guess, I'd think this unit would be more likely to be used as mobile infantry using horses as transport given the rugged terrain of China.

I recommend the hammer and nail method to attach your lasers to your sharks.