
Hi Jolie, I was always a grubby boy then I watched that college address by that special forces guy who teaches everyone to start each day off right by making our beds. I started to do it to get my life on a tidier track but then my wife appreciated it so much that I couldn't stop! I even make it on sundays! And she

Hi Jolie, I was always a grubby boy then I watched that college address by that special forces guy who teaches

Whole food plant based is healthiest actually, but really unless medically necessary i.e. Controlling seizures that have been difficult to manage on sz meds, there's no good reason for keto. It's hard to sustain and it's just really not good for ones health long term. 

Young boys cat calling a young lady on the street? Yeah, cuz that never happens in New York, like every day! Doesn't make them racist. Makes them young boys. Michael, you have so much hatred inside of you, I hope you can one day soon open your Bible and find the forgiveness of Christ waiting for you. 

Y’all buying into this partisan nonsense? They’re playing US. Why can’t you see that? Both Nancy and Donald are still getting PAID. Neither care about the little people.

Philips has been outed as a flaming liar. He never went to war so he’s NOT a Vietnam war vet. This calls all his statements into question. He’s an inflammatory liar.

Your souls are dark and tormented people. Seek Jesus while you still have time. 

Hi - footpad/stress pad with integrated foot activated mouse function!!! Anyone want to Kickstart with me???

Hi - footpad/stress pad with integrated foot activated mouse function!!! Anyone want to Kickstart with me???

This is disgusting. This whole world is decaying. We need a Rescuer. Read the book of John in the Bible over Christmas y'all. 

Wrong - that would be chaos and anarchy and both result in totalitarianism which ends up with one dude ... wait for it ... judging you. Exercising sound judgement is what CAN separate us from animals. Try reading the Bible - it’s a great place to start AND to finish. 

Loderunner, Zork 1-3, ROBB, Road Runner, what was that cool helicopter game where you had to pick up guys and deliver them to base and after clearing topside you had to fly down into caverns?

Loderunner, Zork 1-3, ROBB, Road Runner, what was that cool helicopter game where you had to pick up guys and

nObama was the worst president of the modern era where America’s vested interests lay. His economic policy was a sick joke that intended to cripple our once great economy, his health non-care policy is STILL harming many patients in my state, and will continue to leave a stinking brown stain on health care for

Yeah but in this case it was first come, fist served.

That ball chair has a back that cannot be comfortably used unless you’re humongous. To use it one must set their butt behind the sweet spot on the ball which becomes rather uncomfortable after just a few seconds.

That ball chair has a back that cannot be comfortably used unless you’re humongous. To use it one must set their

 Okey Dokey, now tell us what you really think about Tesla! Haha

Trump can’t drain the swamp ... but this young PR girl sure can!!

Weinstein should be in jail already. QT should have used a stunt driver for this scene, couldn’t even see her face. Total disregard for her safety. Some friend!

I’ve been reading your stuff - compelling to say the least. You’re almost making me regret that I’m whole food plant based now. Deviled eggs are one of my ‘cheat if my wife isn’t watching’ items though. I would eat the whole dozen!

Eagle Rare. Try it once, you will be cured from your Bulleit mistake. ;-))

Eagle Rare is exceptionally smooth and non-nuanced which combined with ‘nog should blend well.

Ducks eat water plants and bulbs. So their fat is vegan. I’ll slap anyone saying different!