
Who checks their delicate electronics? I would never let those baggage goons throw my laptop around with wild abandon!

WHen context isn’t provided why not assume the best? Anger incr inflammation incr death rate.

Aussies be some racist fools yo

It’s being played in reverse. They were set up by the BLM mafia. Sad!

Its clear intent is to say that congress cannot make laws that infringe on the rights of religious organizations and shall allow same to operate without interference. Being queer isn’t a religion although many take it to that extreme. And if a branch of religion wants to exclude queers or any other brand they have the

Agreed with everything they said. This is one rare instance where the movie was far better than the book.

Birthing pains of the world foretelling the soon coming of the Lord. Giving you Gizzites time to repent and turn to His Word of Truth. Amen.

I’d think most Gizzite men *cough* would LOVE a president owned by Kochs!

Many private schools smoke public school standardized test performance for obvious reasons.

Give me Google Glass like AR with a ninja attack game in the park and exercise is solved dude!

Wow you got some hot air in them legs of yours boy! Police will stop shooting bangers of any color once they stop banging. Duh.

Business owners will pay 25% on ownership draws. THIS SHOULD MAKE SMART CAPABLE PEOPLE WANT TO GO OUT AND START THEIR OWN BUSINESSES. This will result in more jobs. And more tax revenue. This is a very good plan.

This cop should get recognition for being a big hero. How many black lives he save by taking out this banger?? You’re welcome!!

Quick to violence much?

Shame on you for lying. Trump didn’t say all illegals were criminals. He said many were which is true. LIAR!!!

1. New headquarters will be best suited on east coast. Duh.

Bill is doing fine without Fox. Can’t say the same for Fox.