
2Precious. This guy deserves the Nobel for ... something ...

I support progress but this is ass! They could build in off/on emulation to keep older apps working. Fuck Apple for being so short sighted and arrogant.

Trump knew about that tweet before recommending the man for the job. Guess he’s not as petty as you think. Do you actually think for yourself or just regurgitate what others tell you to think?

DOJ will get this judges temp order overturned next week. Btw I fully agree with his position re police abusing their powers, but he was clearly wrong Friday, it’s a security issue and security has to Trump foreigners rights.

Fuck China. It would cut America’s throat if it could. We owe zero allegiance to China - haven’t been allies since WW2 and that was purely militaristic alliance. They hate America, they fear America, they secretly have wanted to fuck our collective asses for decades now. The only thing they understand is violence and

Fuck Sony for taking so long to add something that should have been there Day one. Fuck their useless noninnovating assholes. With a WiiMote.

Fuck U, Tard.

So had it actually managed access to her skull as the headline says? Or is Giz exaggerating again?

And you’re a pucking futz. Hope you choke on a bag of your fave ... DICKS 🍆🍑

Honda Pilot. Lease it for your LLC for nice tax write off. 3 year lease you’ll pay about 25k total over 36 months. You’ll want the security of awd and the power is addictive. Very nice 🚗

Clearly not the Speakers voice and everyone who works with him says he doesn’t say ‘fuck’, like, ever. If he had said it I would have just liked him all the harder for it :-))

You’re right, Monica isn’t under the desk blowing his dick. Totally not normal, thanks for pointing that out!

Wayne is a character Batman plays ALL THE TIME WHEN HE IS NOT BATMAN. It’s an act and yes it also maintains a clear personal boundary line.

Diverse inclusive and safe. Safe. Safe. Safe from Muslim extremists. Trump is not blocking immigration you fucking idiots. He simply wants better safeguards put in place to keep out Muslim extremists who intend on killing Americans in all their grand diversity and inclusiveness, you fucking morons.

Blacks represent approximately 13% of the overall US population. So if there’s more than 13% black representation on the Today show then actually blacks are getting over represented compared to the percent of the overall population.

I look forward to watching your trial come Judgement Day.

Woah, woooooah there dude - don’t you think ‘illegal’ is being a little too harsh?

Al Sharpton got on his knees and sucked Trump’s mighty wangus while Jesse Jackson tickled his nutsack according to British spy James Bond who has compiled a tell all dossier on the matter “there was sperm all over Al’s face and he kept licking it off like a dog with peanut butter.”

Love you bitch

Would Galactus’ cock be large enough to pleasure that gaping hole?