
Screw a 4x4! I want those shocks ON EVERYTHING!

Dorkly, you not funny no more :<

Beautiful women have no sway over me when I'm hungry!

Oh god, you bastard!

Jesus, talk about reviving an old post!

Im talking about how the benchmark puts us at 48 overall fps :<

I'm waiting for the day they allow us to make the floating icons 80% transparent so i don't think its a FUCKING SOLDIER SNEAKING UP ON ME!

Surprising, I'm averaging above 60 FPS on ultra with HBAO/4xMSAA with my GTX 780 at a resolution of 1920/1080.

Make one for the top 10 Best airports :D!

Oh god no...

Going through the training that soldiers go through and coming out fat is near impossible o.o

My first thought was *Female models are Slimmer therefore have a smaller hitbox=Everyone playing female soldiers to slip by gunfire*

Brought a tear to my eye.

Hold the phone, i thought your post was referring to the Drifting part, not the burnout part, hell you could ask me to attempt a burnout with a Bugatti and i wouldn't bat an eye.

The full liability for crashing it on a race course part.

Holy hell, im so going there tomorrow.

God damn it, to get any sort of ice cream of this caliber in Dubai, I'd have to pay a fortune.


If standing in that crowd for at least 5 minutes does NOT give you every transferable disease/virus imaginable, im disappointed.