
Use your imagination good sir!

Nice read, thanks

With all the genetic mutation's going on these day's, that day might be closer than we think

...Am i the only one who thought "Nissan 370Z! Concept!" upon seeing the first picture?

I love your common sense, i want more.

God damn it man, this new layout was hard enough, now its gone wonky on me in the past 3 days.


God bless the souls of all the dead.

lol :D!

God damn it, another lawsuit over a company wanting to OWN a word or Sentence, or mantra.

And in further other other news, Indian officials are now enforcing a "no breasts" law on all females living in India, females who have said "breasts" are to immediately visit their local butcher for De-breasting, this may involve a fee.

You better hold off! *waves knife around*

Emo hood ornament?

I had to close the video at 40~ seconds, that was not what an F1 car should sound like, that was a dentist's bloody drill being used as an engine

Dear lord, my childhood!

probably filled with old people songs :<

Your sir, made me giggle.

Dear god the audio positioning was bad.

If only remedy had the budget....sigh.

I stopped 6 hours in wishing the same =(.