Use your imagination good sir!
Use your imagination good sir!
Nice read, thanks
With all the genetic mutation's going on these day's, that day might be closer than we think
...Am i the only one who thought "Nissan 370Z! Concept!" upon seeing the first picture?
I love your common sense, i want more.
God damn it man, this new layout was hard enough, now its gone wonky on me in the past 3 days.
God bless the souls of all the dead.
lol :D!
God damn it, another lawsuit over a company wanting to OWN a word or Sentence, or mantra.
And in further other other news, Indian officials are now enforcing a "no breasts" law on all females living in India, females who have said "breasts" are to immediately visit their local butcher for De-breasting, this may involve a fee.
You better hold off! *waves knife around*
Emo hood ornament?
I had to close the video at 40~ seconds, that was not what an F1 car should sound like, that was a dentist's bloody drill being used as an engine
Dear lord, my childhood!
probably filled with old people songs :<
Your sir, made me giggle.
Dear god the audio positioning was bad.
If only remedy had the budget....sigh.
I stopped 6 hours in wishing the same =(.