Glad you think so...Eye for an eye i said to myself...
Glad you think so...Eye for an eye i said to myself...
Thanks for the info, the more you know =)
I have...but i always wonder if they shared the same chassis!
Would it be wrong of me to have Keyed a Rolls Royce phantom for leaving a dent on my door the size of a football? its still there...god it hurts to see, i had to scrape off his "Expensive" black paint job off my car.
I flinched when i saw the thief picture...bad memories of my child hood when that fucker showed up.
Because ego
Is that scion somehow related to the Kia Soul?
I'm now unhappy!
From how small the image was, at first glance i thought she had no legs...
Just thinking of those powerful bolts being sheered FORCES!
dat be sum mass effect music right dar uh huh.
I was going to say something funny, but after repeating it in my head, i found out it wasn't.
And Greed will eventually balance itself out in the end...i hope.
:O you've got two honda's ;-;!
Shaky cam galore!
Honestly, if i could get away with it, before warranty expires.
The world needs more people like you, im starting to hate jalopnik posting anything about dubai, because retards just flood the comments section with "OMG DARK SIDE SLAVES" and completely forget other countries exist.
Pussy, i read jalopnik at work all bloody day.