
I'd love to not define myself by my sex, but it's my sex that keeps me from ever being safe in public if I'm alone, hence not something I can just "get over".

I know who his tattoo artist is! I recognized the work of the "angel"


She should refer John Boehner to the person who spraypainted her. Well, done, airbrush wizard!

Point to it, Sarah. Point to Russia and the Ukraine on a map. I double-dog dare ya.

What horrible things did Arizona ever do to deserve her?

Girl is high as BALLS.

Can we start referring to her as an Arizonan please? She bought a McMansion there and moved, I don't consider her an Alaskan anymore.

I'm not going to defend Obama's professorial tone, but "wrestling bears" is not a standard for leadership.

He never thinks of me or my needs, which I find odd because I know for a fact he's madly in love with me.

It's not going to get any better. This should be your honeymoon phase.

It sucks to be in love with someone who doesn't make you feel loved. You listed a bunch of qualities that I'd consider deal breakers. Please remember that it's normal and natural to have needs, to prefer a certain way of showing love (such as nurturing you when you're sick), to require equality in the bedroom. (Your)

Where do you get the sense that the author dislikes younguns?

Your point makes no sense. You go on about how it affects society and then you bring your marriage into it.

It's smug because the article writer assumed that observing this brief interaction gave them some insight into the child's entire life. But they're obviously exaggerating their concern - if you saw actual child abuse on a train, would you not do something to intervene? I sure hope so. Muttering "child abuse" to

Not sure why folks need to take the obvious sentiment of, Healthy Habits good, Unhealthy Habits bad, to these tyrannical, preachy, hyperbolic, mega-mecha-judgmental levels.

For anyone interested in the actual article, it's here -…

I haven't looked over it in massive detail, but one immediate flaw jumps out. In terms of the key finding that is controversial (that metabolically healthy overweight people are at increased risk) their confidence interval for

When it comes to weight, people need to learn to keep their eyes on their own paper. Period. You cannot help a stranger with an eating disorder, and let's face it - you don't really want to. You do not care, so stop pretending you do. Even if you do, barring the unlikely event that they come to you and ask you for

I hate that Boston Public Radio piece so much.

" She was about 9, with lovely red hair and a pretty moon-shaped face. "