
No, it really isn't =P

Any fighting game where "true competitive play" requires you to turn off all powerups, use only one stage and have all players use the same fighter is not a competitive fighting game. It means that it's horribly unbalanced.

I was actually supportive of it. Brawl was not designed to be a super competitive game, but rather a more party-focused, crazy, unpredictable type of fighting game. I loved it for that and I don't really mind if it's there or not, but I accepted tripping a lot easier than most other people seemed to.

The fact is... you can remain anonymous on all those things you listed.. However a camera that's watching you... there is no anonymity on that... none what's so ever. We wouldn't have shows like Catfish that prove that anyone can be who they *claim* they are. I could be a Cylon or you could be a Cylon... But the world


I think I watched the MGSV red band trailer more then...5 a ROW.

As a straight man, I am 100% in favor of this. We need equal opportunity eye candy. Booth babes for those who want them, and booth bros for those who want them. Equal opportunity objectification for all!

I'm still waiting for a Western made game were you play as "Middle Eastern Militants" fighting American/Western forces. Heads will literally explode.

The problem depicting someone from a specific background (religious, political or racial) is that it will always have negative results, so whats the best solution?

Have the players choose who to play as and let them make their own conclusions based on the game's story or events. In war no one wins and everyone loses,

That one way of looking at it.

right, because you don't understand how negative portrayals of a minority group can make that group a subject of inequality, and dehumanized caricatures open up parts of the population as acceptable targets for discrimination and violence. This is why we don't have blackface characters or stepin fetchit type racial

If you really believe they will have anywhere near 300,000 servers, you're on crack.

But will that stop me from playing the console? No? Then totes not the same thing bro.

There's one big difference that you kinda forgot. Steam is free. Xbox One won't be. So Steam can come up with whatever restrictions they want because I never paid for the service. I have to pay for a X1 and it comes with all these restrictions. I can use Steam on basically anything I already have. No new purchase

Doesn't matter whether its an exclusive or not, you, and the rest of the gamers are not entitled to have games for free. Especially Indie devs that have such a hard time making money to keep making games, and spent a lot of their life making a game that they put their heart and soul into.

Nope, sorry it's piracy and entitled whining, not justice. So the game didn't come out for the platform you want. Either buy that platform, convince the developer it's worth their time and money to port it to that platform (ala dark souls), or STFU and get over it.

PC Gamer: "I hate consoles, they are for noobs. PC gaming ftw!"......"Waaaah! I can't get this console game on my PC! INJUSTICE!".

That depends, are they going to argue her points in a respectful matter or are they going to be-

No. You can criticize an individual or her behavior without lashing out at the gender.

True masters have all the consoles and PC