
I really like both, but wish more fans would give Shin Mazinger more credit since gurren took a lot of inspiration from mazinger. (maybe they would if they had ever heard of it)

Originally from Saudi here. Everyone over there thinks this is bullshit. But I doubt anyone on Gizmodo or Reddit will listen to me.

Elbows indeed, but still gave me a scare at work. Luckily I was alone when I opened giz

no one piece/Rocky Horror Picture Show comparison?

Kandrala's summarized it very poorly, and left out a huge part near the end: who gave Israel the land in Palestine? Essentially western powers decided that they could just give that land to Jews and its from that were all the conflict started: In Israel's eyes that is there land because they lived there thousands of

you are over looking the long bitter history between these two.

I can relate as I also loved the original series, and the second film seemed to throw out the classic 'Shinji is a traumatized teenager forced to fight' to instead change him into Simon and give him red spiral power. Its certainly a drastic change, but its understandable why they did it, since the number 1 complaint

so its an unblockable? hmm alright, but there are still other options like side stepping to avoid it.

he could always just you know, BLOCK and then punish.

sadly this is true. which is why Capcom continues to pull this shit, because they know people will buy it anyway

ron ron ron rooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!!

>defending /v/

the only reason to visit /v/ is if you hate video games as much as they do.

you sir are a refined gentleman and a scholar

I never asked for this

what about showing up as Quattro Bajeena?

Zynga Boston post mortem

I'll take Kyle's objective views any day of the week compared to some of the other biased editors on this site

you only have to look at the rest of the commenter posts agreeing with him. its not just one or two, but a truck load of people that believe yes Jesus Diaz is biased towards apple.