
well I don't want to De-rail the discussion too much but I had to say it

just chalk it off to typical bad harem anime: main character is useless yet girls fawn over him anyway

article said it was Recently released in the West in the form of an HD remake,

lol _one_ of the bad endings?

I have a cousin who actually works in Saudi Aramco. I'll ask him what he knows/heard about this

you know how gizmodo is: if its not an Iphone then they don't give a shit.

Kallandar has already mentioned this but its worth again repeating: Japanese culture holds 'purity' in high regard, and they love girls that are 'innocent' and 'pure' ; hence why all the girls act in ways that we may perceive as childish but to japan it is pure.

it seems like it. Just about every post on gizmodo seems to be from editors who only use apple products, and we had the recent post from Sam Biddle who openly admitted that he's hardly used android (yet he continually bashes it )

Indeed. I'm rolling my eyes at the Japanese reaction to this on 2ch, considering they do the EXACT same thing to Americans/foreigners

plan: move to Iran, create the new demanoid and make profit :p .

I wouldn't even bother writing a reply. I'm honestly starting to feel that this guy just trolls android to get page hits

And I like mine too. The author is pretty much just trolling when it comes to installing roms, as the majority of them are installed with a few clicks and some waiting time.

try reading some of the posts on gizmodo some time. Some of the apple fan's there are so deluded that they believe Apple invented 3g -_-

from what I understand, japan actually ENJOYs grinding. Different cultures have different tastes

Japanese however do not see it as taboo. There was even an article recently here on Kotaku about how Japanese were surprised at how anime imported to America censored what they deemed unnecessary in their eyes. This included things like concerning breasts on a the kids show inuyasha

On a slightly unrelated note: Any thoughts on the racist governor Shintaro Ishihara, who claims that Foreigners (even though they are winning) know nothing about judo, and that their judo is a farce compared to Japan's?

well he did seem to grow a spine in eva you can not advance. Some people liked it (myself) while others hated it and wanted him to remain as he was originally.

I'd pay to see her fight a bionic german


true, but a lot of there fanbase are invested in the story, and won't mind picking this up to continue with the storyline.