Yes +1
Yes +1
You're fucking joking, right? Check the casualty count again.
Yes +1
this is the funniest damn story i've ever heard. +1 winner
This is so good. +1
Not that I know of - started with Man of Steel, DC's equivalent of Iron Man 1. Concern is understood - I just want to see these films given a chance by the internets before they're buried simply because Marvel started first.
I see what you did there.
Relax. They're one movie into their Cinematic Universe. The second movie in the MCU was the hilariously awful Incredible Hulk, and they've done OK since.
Between this and that ridiculously cute stray dog they took in, I think the Brew Crew has got the market cornered on heart string tuggers this year.
Give him the Marge Schott. No more day-to-day operations, sanction the hell out of him, make it painful and unprofitable for him to continue functioning as an owner, then let him die.
Your move, Samuel L.
+1 yellow toothed fla-fla-flo-hai
That's where it is, ladies and gents.
Ah, yes. Religion. Because that's what this is about.