
I have the exact truck in the post.  I wish I could contribute the MPG but the previous owners clear cut the wiring to the dash for some unknown reason; so not only do I not know my fuel level at any given time I can’t track the mileage either.

Well love compared to her Equinox. She comes from a diehard GM family.  I don’t try to rationalize this shit whatsoever. 

Really appreciate your thorough response.

Of course she parked next to a Blazer 2 hours ago and is now in love....

Is the Trailblazer replacing the Trax? Or is it in addition? Has it eaten away at Equinox sales?
I’m amazed you guys have have 3 CUVs two Midsize SUVs and then the Tahoe and Suburban. The size differences between the Trailblazer, Equinox and Blazer are so subtle you’d think their overlap would cannibalize each other.

I know here in MN they are getting farmers to not harvest the 10 feet closest to the roadway so it forms a natural snow fence once winter comes. It works so well it’s astonishing.

Can’t imagine anything more American than opening the door of your spacecraft after a successful water landing and being coughed on by a Floridian with COVID.


The still from that video looks like the beginning of the Zoolander song where they blow up the gas station.

Cameras have glass domes that protect the lenses and cameras from the elements. They cost under $100 even for the vandal resistant models.

A girl I went to grade school with, her father had one of these but in British Racing Green.  It was always so great to look at.

It seems like a nice well thought out product but I hate how it looks on the ranger attached to the bed rail. It looks like a tent that just experienced a rough night of wind or is in the midst of catastrophic failure.

How do these car rental company leases work? Are they made directly with the manufacturer? Is so what happens at the end of the term? You mentioned Hertz’ direct sales site and the wholesale sale market; if that’s where they end up is it really even a lease then? Does the manufacturer take them back and then dole them

Anecdotal but....

Tesla Whompy Wheels is hilarious fitting.

It’s worth importing just to say you drive a GURGEL

That is an awesome first car.

If coupes are on the chopping block I’d like to hope that these monstrosities are on the table:

China is the only country that could challenge the US as country #1 in the world. No one else even comes close to having the ability to overtake us as both an economic superpower and a military superpower (the only thing they cannot challenge us on is being a cultural superpower, though they are funding more and more

Could they have made this with jet engines instead? Or do jet engines and water not mix at all?

Kid I went to highschool with had one of these, but he had the 5.9.  That thing was a burnout machine.