
Is that the song Andy plays over the loudspeaker in Shawshank?

Because the 2 cylinder engine on a 2CV is creating MASSIVE pollution.

Aspen CO PD used Saabs for decades.

They misspelled Jesus Diaz.

I love how every tech site willfully never acknowledges this simple solution.

Well a legit journalist wrote this not that no talent hack Jesus Diaz. That's the difference.

I'll also make sure to get off your lawn.


I agree get Waze!

I worked for the company that he bought all his bike parts from and he was an absolute shitbag to deal with. I also hold him personally responsible for all the asshats on fixed gear bikes.

Where do you work so I can come take your unwanted Aerons?

I abhor that man.


*clap clap clap* Bravo.

The simple answer is yes.

Yeah people seem to neglect to remember that they made on of the first Luxury SUVs with the LM002.


This is by far the best ever. Thank you for posting this.

This is actually what I learned to drive a stick on.