
Swap in a Voodoo. Keep the turbos.

What’s the best guess for a real-world 0-60? 1/4?

Just the fact that you have to defend it like this tells me that Ohio must suck.

“ Unable to get out and without knowledge of where their infant son was, the couple was robbed and left them in the trunk. After escaping, they became advocates for an easier way to do so.”

Who wouldn’t want to look like the bad guy from an early 90's porno?

Hey, if you can swing a wrench you’ve got room to talk. Otherwise, I’m gonna have to take issue with you calling an LS swap “lazy.” As easy as they make it look on camera, any motor swap is a serious undertaking.

Just out of curiosity, how many motor swaps have you done?

Seriously, you could find them for $90k like 3 years ago.

You know what? I just realized that you’re right. I am dumb. I’m a dumb, stupid menace to to all the smart, beautiful, funny people like you. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.

Aww, that’s sweet of you.

Yeah, but the cool part of the video is that he’s doing this in an urban environment. If he was off road nobody would give a fuck.

Starred for JDM Monster.

Budweiser and a Firebird?

And replace Viper with Challenger.

Came to post this. Am not disappoint.

Lighten up.

Road head: the second leading cause of getting your dick bit off.

If private outfits get enough interest and backing, is there really any way that the US government will stop them from launching? I mean, will our paramilitary actually try to physically prevent corporate enterprises from entering space?

Don’t sweat it.

Give your sarcasm meter a good, hard smack and get back to me ;)