
I don’t necessarily agree with every idea you put here but I’d definitely be curious to see how these would impact the game. Honestly, for the most part I think what you’re suggesting still preserves the game design goals of breakable weapons while just making it a little easier to manage your inventory and give more


The problem is there isn’t really such a thing as “true imagination”. Every creative work is ultimately just remixing the creators own experiences, knowledge, and influences. AI can’t go beyond it’s dataset for the same reason we can’t, doing so just produces nonsense and noise. We need to have a conversation about

First of all, don’t say “Transgenders”

Relax. You are an electrical field driving a skeleton on a planet that is doomed to be destroyed relatively soon, in cosmological time. There is no purpose, no goal, and ultimately nothing you do will matter in the end. There is no “forward”, no “backwards”. It just is.

It would actually, since the existence of a theoretical “easy mode” would not mean you had to actually PLAY the game in the easy mode.

Not a difficult concept to grasp, tbh.

What does that have to do with anything? Hard games will always have people who try to beat them in harder ways. Having an easy mode wouldn’t do anything to either add or take away from that. 

in the discussion of his “redemption arc,” no, it’s not worth anything.

Different species interbreed all the time. Ever seen a mule? 

sir this is a wendys

Sonic did have a couple decent games over the past decade (Generations and Mania specifically), but I generally agree with this assessment. To your point, both Mario and Sonic remain very relevant decades later for very different reasons.

*Immediately goes walleyed at the fact that this was being said on kotaku of all places*

I agree with the pretty much universal “Yeah that’s a bad idea” feedback you’re getting, but I will also add that with any kind of competitive game based on deck building (be it cards or a game like Clash Royale), SO many of the people you’re playing just picked one of the flavor-of-the-week “this deck is so OP lol”

No, more options for toxicity is NOT the answer. There’s a reason why most rational people turn off the chat in online games. Because they don’t want to deal with people like you who feel entitled to throw insults because of some misguided ideal of bringing psychological warfare to a silly little card game.

what’s wrong with you?


Ya fuck no.

WTF is wrong with you?

FF Tactics is one of my very favorite all time games. Have never played Tactics Ogre, but I’m hour or so in and utterly delighted. Yes, I wish it was prettier, but so every I really love everything I’m seeing. ESPECIALLY the score. It’s perfect.

Honestly part of what I like about snap is that I don’t have to deal with any of this, but if you really need to make others feel bad so you can feel better about yourself I’m sure the republican party is looking for volunteers.