
My favorite part of this post is how it’s written as like a “think this is useless? Think again!” and then the slideshow is:

I'm pretty sure they were doing their own event, and Nintendo went after them anyways. 


It’s only “not a review” to you because they didn’t label it as one. It’s okay, you can admit that.

By "usual" do you mean "typically one of several different categories that vary in the goals and amount of glitches that can be performed" then correct, but it seems interesting to choose words that make you look silly. 

I guess it’s all just a matter of personal taste but I’ve never seen an anime that didn’t overstay it’s welcome after about 60 episodes. The best correlation I can find from that to manga is FMA: Brotherhood to FMA the manga, which is 64 episodes to 27 volumes. And I consider FMA to be a really well paced series, you

I’m not defending the scumbag by any means but like any other criminal act the exact actions taken by the criminal influence the penalties.

That depends on if the scammers actually intend to deliver these keys. But based on them being "scammers" it's more likely they never intend to give real keys to begin with. 

I too would not doubt it being the most likely scenario.

I guess it depends on your definition of “consistent”. I see lots of pictures of male streamers that have the exact same body portions showing. The only difference is the gender of the subject.

“I really disagree with Sakurai on this. There is nothing I like more than when people put words in my mouth.”

We actually do know. By his own testimony revenue from the site made up a bulk of his ~$30k annual income. And since you seem to want to be obtuse on purpose, that only counts as income if he was making more than it cost to run the site, otherwise it would have been reported as a loss. Because that’s how self

Sounds like more hypotheticals with no evidence to me. It doesn’t matter if he actually made money, the point is he was trying to.

And what if all the proceeds from the ROM site were going to feed starving orphans? The guy is a hero! All you need to do is accept hypothetical scenarios that have no evidence as indisputable fact!

I think it’s more of a precaution for the future. If I understand it, with this order if he ever so much as handles a Nintendo ROM again it could be grounds to investigate him for violating a court order which could mean jail time. Afaik that applies to any court order, including ones for civil suits like this. 

I mean... No? Not intending to hurt someone but realizing you did and trying to fix the behavior that hurt people is a completely valid stance to take. Admitting his actions hurt others, even unintentionally, is still admitting fault. 

It’s crazy to think that the man responsible for creating something so dangerous and destructive that it exists today as a constant threat to all of society and the world as we know it also invented nuclear bombs. 

Good for them, but I also find it kind of disheartening that as said in the post most of these are just re-releases of old games and not really new content. SM3DW does have the new DLC at least. 

4 still seems a bit too modern to be remastered. I know based on actual age it is an old game but it uses a more modern engine. Besides that and GTA3, VC, and SA directly referencing each other I would be very surprised if it wasn't those 3 being remastered into some kind of PS2 Trilogy pack. 

It was honestly one of my favorite episodes. 10 seconds into it I was like “I want a whole universe of this. Games, movies, the whole shebang.”