The tone was definitely wrong but "if you don't comply we will have to take legal action" is pretty standard in these scenarios
The tone was definitely wrong but "if you don't comply we will have to take legal action" is pretty standard in these scenarios
Can I buy an NFT of a link to that study please?
Normally I agree, but the people in this comic all make reasonable claims about improving or fixing something. Not just "I DON'T LIKE ADS CAPITALISM REEEEEEE!!!"
Additional Snark: Pokemon itself exists just to sell shit, just like most of the cartoons from the 80s did (Transformers, GI Joe, etc.).
Yeah, I'm curious to know if Ian made the shocked Pikachu face when he learned that the commercial video game based on the commercial anime/manga that was developed and published by million dollar companies just might already be a product of capitalism.
I’ve never read a more wrong take than this lol. In your mind, expressing any interest or engaging in a subject at all makes you a snob about it? What a wild way of thinking.
They already brought him back a couple times for limited promos. Considering that and the fact it has been almost 30 years since his suicide I think they're in the clear.
Honestly the Noid's visual style really fits with Crash's whole goofy and cartoonish aesthetic. For people not familiar with the Noid, you could have just said the N on his chest stands for Neo Cortex and a lot of them would believe it.
So these numbers are only through the program they set up to get refunds? Does it not include refunds made directly to digital storefronts or other retailers?
Maybe if you spent less time killing teenagers in the future and more time reading the article you wouldn’t post such silly comments.
I’m not really concerned about that part, and while I am concerned about the “big” evil (how long until Republicans decide to imitate Democrat politicians on the phone and make threatening phone calls to people or try to frame them?), I’m more concerned about the comparatively “small” evil.
I definitely have a line with mods that I seldom cross. If it works within the game universe, enhances the gameplay, is balanced, then I’ll use it and am fine with it.
I was thinking that or every time you go through the portal you go back to the beginning of the puzzle room. So you can see your previous self and use that. Like stand on a button to open a door for 5 seconds, go back in time, and go through the door that is being opened by your past self.
Yeah I remember people balking at the price point but it was still hard to find for a long time iirc.
In Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction, a 3rd person shooter set in NK, you can beat the game without “killing” anyone. There is an in-game kill counter but there are a bunch of ways to make it not increment, like running people over with the side of your vehicle rather than the front or bringing NPCs as gunners.
Excuse me, there has never NOT been a sexy Batou.
Ain’t that the truth. It’s awful when games, in trying to capture a certain nostalgic feel of a game they go out of their way to recreate everything, including the poorly designed stuff.
You more or less got the nail on the head. Since Notch left updates have slowed but been bigger and generally better put together. I know they also have to fix and update a bunch of Notch’s old code which also causes delays. Iirc the example they gave was the lighting engine, which had code spread across several…
I don’t necessarily agree with that, at least not entirely. The QA team (if one existed lol) definitely would try to flag it as a bug, but just because something gets flagged as such doesn’t mean it gets fixed.