I want a full panel of LEDs across the front of the mask and sensors on the inside for mouth movement. Then let me download customized "mouths" that appear on the LEDs and match what my mouth is doing.
I want a full panel of LEDs across the front of the mask and sensors on the inside for mouth movement. Then let me download customized "mouths" that appear on the LEDs and match what my mouth is doing.
You know... you can NOT shit talk people that YOU disagree with, and let others voice their opinions about something THEY DON'T CARE FOR... right... like thats a thing you CAN do.
Eh, because of COVID and the fact that even in good situations delays happen all the time, this is barely worth a post. I haven’t even heard of this project before now, so I’m not gonna bother giving a shit until we are about a month away from release and there are both trailers and gameplay video out.
It sounds a lot more like you're the one virtue signaling, as well as purity testing the event and charity, but you do you I guess.
I guess? The 2 charities they fundraise for with the big events are always the same, I doubt they can just change the charity on a whim, that sort of stuff gets finalized months or years in advance.
A thousand dead for each day of the year. What’s that, it hasn’t even been a year since OP’s comment? I guess add an extra egg on their face.
Gonna be hard to explain to fiance that the custom PC she wants to build just got that much more expensive... That sucks
Closest thing on my block is a “you are being filmed” sign on my neighbor’s house and an very obviously fake camera above the door.
But consider the fact that a large portion of farmers are conservative. They may have had a pig ready for harvest anyways. But regardless, I choose no sides on this, it could be either side for all I know currently
Welcome to conservative conspiracy theories.
It’s cool when developers do this and when they get discovered years later but the secret itself is pretty lame. In guessing it’s just a quick way to test that the final ending works that they said “Fuck it, we’ll call it a secret” and left it in.
Start speedrunning Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction and a couple other games. My big obstacles so far are the lack of designated gaming space, which will hopefully be solved when we move in early summer. Then I need to get an Xbox Series X (fastest load times and great backwards compatability means you can play…
I worked in a couple gas stations with car washes. One was touchless and people drove in and parked, then the sensors automatically had the arm bar circle the car and wash it. The other was a touch wash where the cars were driven onto a track, left in neutral, and the track pulled them through as it cleaned.
If they don’t even consider it they don’t sound like that great of security detail tbh.
As with any speedrunning community they get to make the rules for what is allowed in a category but forcibly heating up your console to temporarily break it just enough is concerning to me.
I honestly can’t remember what I got as gifts and what was just purchased. I’m basically the only person in my family who understands games so they usually just do a gift card rather than deal with game titles and platforms and junk.
True to life grass simulation? Walking over one part of the field too much bends the grass and can impact the ball as it rolls over it?
I see it the same as paying for advertising, just not in a legitimate way. WE know it’s all bullshit but think about little Johnny’s not-involved-in-the-community parents trying to find him a Christmas present.
You probably mention this but to me it’s just a big fucking circle-jerk for ego and advertising, just like any other entertainment awards. They are no longer Studio X, they are “GotY award winning” Studio X.