
Normally I agree, but when the original film series does fuck all with the source material other than lifting the names of a couple groups and locations, I think a reboot is warranted. Especially when the existing franchise never really got better than mixed reviews and became some kind of superpowered clone robot

Why would they combine the first two games into one movie? That doesn’t make any sense because they are both contained stories that take place one after another iirc. Are they really going to condense both into an hour and a half and introduce Leon halfway through for a completely separate chain of plot points? That

Sorry to reply to you and not make my own thread for this. GMG sites have been really shitty about just *not* loading or rendering parts of their sites lately, and I cannot see the button to make my own comment thread. Yesterday comments would not expand at all sometimes so this is sadly considered an improvement. But

It isn’t about you, it is about Kojima and you and other fans get caught in the crossfire. I think a Konami exec would personally break into your house and stab your dog if they thought it would somehow make you dislike Kojima or his work. 

Definitely difficult, especially now that their tracks go on walls and upside down and stuff. But still preferable for me than this, mostly because my dog would demolish it, he loves chasing RC stuff. 

It seems neat, but I'd rather have a really in depth track maker in an actual Mario Kart game. More accessible, not prohibitively expensive, easily shareable, don't need to worry about a physical toy breaking or getting grabbed by a dog or toddler, etc. 

But that also begs the question of does Take Two profit off those images? Has anyone ever bought a copy of the game SPECIFICALLY because the tattoos existed, or where those tats were a large contributing factor to their purchase decision?

Exactly. Pretty much every other Mario game is Bowser kidnaps Peach using either magic or some kind of technology he has. Why? Nobody knows, although I strongly suspect the reason is “Cause fuck the Mushroom Kingdom“.

Has there ever been a Yoshi that was as fun to play with as the ones in Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island? In both those games you feel fast and powerful as/on Yoshi but in the recent games where you ride him he feels more like just a way to get an extra hit or a sacrificial tool for reaching something out of

I haven’t found any 3D Mario game past SM64 to be all that fun, to be honest, excluding 3D World which plays more like a 2D Mario than a 3D one.

Since I can't edit anymore, specifically a steam whistle on a train. 

That start up noise sounds... Good to you? It sounds like they were recording the actual start up sound (the second part of it) while a fucking train went by 4 feet away and they just said “Screw it, we need to bring the mic back by 5, we’ll just use that.”

Yeah I don’t think Steam has any kind of cross-save API so any game on Steam with it added it themselves using their own servers most likely. That is probably why they aren't doing it for this game, Windows Store and Xbox likely has native support for it and they couldn't be bothered to build it into the Steam version

I think the big problem is that they implement it in the laziest way possible. It assumes you are always online and does everything automatically. The easy fix is to still do that, but NOT overwrite the data when it pulls a save from the cloud. Instead when the player goes to load a game it should say “Hey we pulled

Because Apple is specifically being called out for antitrust stuff surrounding Apple being the sole gatekeeper of what is allowed on their platform. The fact that a Microsoft game is available on a different PC store platform than the Windows Store (Steam) albeit without one nice but purely optional feature is the

I’m with you on everything but the House Elves bit. Besides it raising the moral question of “Is it right or wrong to try and separate someone from something they say they enjoy if it harms them overall?” and general questions about trying to force beliefs on others, eventually Hermione was proved right in her

I believe the point is specifically tailored to this re-release. It isn’t just “I could steal this game so I will”, it is “Why would I pay for a game I have already played 18 years ago (and likely several times since via emulation) when this version of the game is WORSE than the original game and identical to the

I've thought about collecting the cards for the art and some of the lore flavor text on the cards is pretty cool, but beyond that I don't have any interest in the game either.

The minority that is tired of Unleashed-type gameplay? That statement only makes sense if the majority is people who didn't like that dogshit gameplay to begin with. The only part of the game that had decent gameplay was the day stages, and even then, "decent" is about as complimentary as you can get to describe it. 

Yeah I really don't get the people who jizz themselves every time they see something with edge to edge screen. The only time I ever notice bezels is immediately after someone else mentions them and 5 minutes later I don't notice anymore. Hell the same with notched cameras.