
Very true. This seems like most 3rd party developers are going to say “Design it for PS5, port to the new Xbox, and we’ll figure out how to downscale it to 720p for Switch in the 8 months after launch."


Same on both points. I’m not buying either until they have at least 5 games that I want that I can’t get elsewhere.

I think it is really heartwarming that some people still have this kind of hope. If Congress and the White House were left leaning to Biden’s level I’d put those odds at around 40%. If they were left leaning to Sanders or Warren I’d put it more at 85%.

Definitely good advice, although the wearing of work clothes is something I would consider optional, and to not do so unless you need that push to put your head in “work” mode.

I have no real response to your post as I’ve only played an Xbox One a few times (althought I do like my PS4 controllers as you do), but I found this amusing:

I dunno, I kind of doubt it for this. More than likely they'd just not use the latest patch like they do for hundreds of other games. 

Finally, a “Tips” article that provides tips beyond extremely common knowledge most users would already know about or are common sense. Some of that is here like using ethernet and actually having the space but the tips toward the end I wasn’t aware of.

Coming soon: FF7: Remake- Arbitrary Code Execution run that recreates the original game within the remake

Wow this looks... Not good. The scale is bizarre, Mario and that Goomba look atrocious, and it wouldn’t be a Nintendo venture without some weird gimmick smashed into it. I mean I love you Mario but wtf is this?

That is what I do, definitely. It also helps that Sony is basically the only platform that delivers a decent amount of exclusives I actually want to play. The next would be the Switch but that is like 2-3 games max, which is why I didn't pick one up until 2 years after it launched. 

I think you’re severely over-exaggerating there. I’ve dealt with a bunch of people with strange names and in the adult world you know what it usually amounts to?

Iirc they said that they paid for those trips mostly out of pocket. 

You should meet Olaf Olafsson's son Olaf Olafsson Jr. 

Looks like my comment from that post came true after all.

Varies for me. I hated mowing my lawn growing up because it had trees to navigate around (with low hanging, face poking branches), ditches that you would be at a 60 degree angle, and various other obstructions.

I mean, maybe that is for the best. Start with one of the worst entries (based on popular opinion) and work your way up lol. 

The Steam release works fine. The biggest issue are the PC controls but just pop in a corded 360 controller (or any PC controller) and it works fine, at least for me. No crashes or other issues. 

I’m not really all that concerned about how many games this will be expanded to. Midgar may be the ‘just the introduction’, but it has a ton of story content that other parts don’t. You can completely blow through the second half of disc 1 and be pretty far into disc 2 in the time it takes to get through Midgar. Plus

Adding to this: in the original Jessie expresses surprise that the explosion was as powerful as it was. That seems to at least imply that they didn’t plan on it being so big and maybe something got cut or lost in translation.