
I bought all 3 uncharted games and all 3 resistance games for the first time a couple months ago and have beaten all of them. They are all pretty darn good games, I prefer the uncharted series over resistance but resistance does have a very interesting story and feels improved with each entry! I highly recommend

good idea... I think i shall do the same! BWHAHAA



No idea this game existed... it looks AWESOME!

I was JUST thinking about this game earlier today and how I need to beat it! Im pretty sure im almost near the end... but i havent played in a year and my save got deleted ;_;

Its been two years and they havent had a hack available for the 3DS yet... I would just give up at this point... but that doesnt mean they arent still working on it..

Never really played these games... played a couple for a tiny bit at some friends houses , id considering getting this if it was like a $15 download but ya...

I would buy it because i love these games... im just not because i know itll end up on a humble bundle eventually probably and i dont want to spend $15 on a game i know will be $5 one day even though its probably worth it.

Ya agreed... kinda sick of all these ponies invading everything... I saw a sick picture of all these adult swim characters playing poker together and then whoever the artist was added a My little pony in the picture... im like wow way to ruin a cool picture...

Some look and feel different as well as take up more or less RAM. Some also include or dont include features that other ones do or do not. There is also the fact that some can be run by any Android OS and some are made 4.0 or higher. There are plenty of factors with these launchers and some people like to try alot of

$300 lolololol we would be jumping for joy / lucky if it was $400

Man the internet is harsh... Sorry for all the negative replies... not everyone is perfect or knows everything... gosh people...

Whatever makes the experience more enjoyable to you! No Shame in that!

Ya you can just wait a couple weeks and get any game that just released for $40 on and if you are willing to wait a year you can get any game for under $15... besides Nintendo games and Skyrim. I bought like 6 PS3 games the past couple months for literally $10 each.

Was just about to say Super Mario Bros. Movie! beat me too it :P

What he said, Mario Kart 7 was a huge step up from mario kart wii!

I have a feeling that all 3 consoles are going to be completely different this time around and this will hopefully get Developers to stop being lazy... like back in the day when super nintendo had a game and sega genesis had a game of the same name but they were completely different in terms of graphics and

rly!? darn! but that is kinda cool i guess :P missed out on these so hopefully they come out soon!

Was just thinking how ive never played these games and wanted to...! Glorious! Ill download whatever one! or both!?