didnt they start selling the 3DS at a loss once they gave it the ol' price cut though?
didnt they start selling the 3DS at a loss once they gave it the ol' price cut though?
damn thats pretty good... then again i probably bought all of those except i got a used ps3 slim for $160 and minus the sly games and infamous 2 for about $265 still a pretty good deal in my book! :)
Everyone is expecting a new Metroid game or a New Star Fox game... im dying for a new Metroid game but im down for either... if it was Mother that would be quite amazing but seems out of place for Retro to make an RPG
but thats not blood! its MEAT! :P
Will easily buy a WiiU and support Nintendo once i get a job again and get some $$$ flowing my way... and by then ill probably just wait till black friday because i have a job lined up for the summer. Wish people would start realizing that the WiiU is a new system... even some of my Tech Savvy friends thought it was…
Love me some Paranoid Android! My favorite Rom! I have it on my Verizon Galaxy S3 cant wait till we get 2.99 on the Galaxy S3! and eventually 3.0!
But I have played games like mad world where i cut people in half shove their bodies into spikes multiple times and shove their own head up their butthole as well as games like god of war and pretty much any violent game out there and i have no need or feeling or urge to kill, harm or inflict any amount of pain on any…
Termina would be cool to revisit and they could easily remake and expand upon the 4 different areas of the game
I agree with you Zelda needs a new setting, someplace thats not hyrule (which has been done before)... or perhaps have a futuristic zelda or something or have a different main character at least... hopefully the new WiiU Zelda will wow us and be different.
i thought it was a pretty decent game just kinda disappointed at the lack of magic and upgradible swords.
What if they did this but made it like an app on the wiiU/3DS so you have to have a 3DS to connect wirelessly to the wiiU then you can use the 3DS as a controller /the video from the 3DS will wirelessly show on the TV!
wouldnt a futuristic zelda be too much like metroid... but then again im totally down for a futuristic zelda that has like the mastersword as some kind of beam saber and having all this crazy futuristic settings!
really want this game but i still have resistance 2, 3 and heavy rain to beat... and i havent spent full price on a game in a loooooong time so i think i might wait for it to lower in price.... however long that may be... amazon usually drops the price of popular games by $20 for at least 1 day a month or 2 after they…
Thats because a link to the past is the best zelda! :P but i do love me some majoras mask!
They should at least bring the Map and final boss to the PC version... all of the new stuff shouldnt be that hard to put on the PC version... but they probably wont add it which is lame...
It was originally on PC for over a year now... and it has more to offer than minecraft...
Easily the manufacturers / carriers fault for battery life... if you flash a custom rom for your phone it gets rid of all the garbage that the carriers and manufacturer put on the phone, you can also underclock and change the kernel which can all help your battery life! Im currently using the rom Paranoid Android 2.56…
ya last i heard people were saying it was 100x better than the 3DS because the hardware was better and saying that the 3DS was a POS and wasnt going to survive... lol but in all seriousness it is sorta sad when a piece of hardware goes unnoticed especially when it does have decent hardware and features.
SNES games are well worth the $8 or so they are charging considering some of the greatest games ever are on that platform... id gladly pay that for super metroid or a link to the past! if you think angry birds or any smartphone game is worth more than SNES games what the heck man! Just dont buy them then :P or get an…
well they are making the games in HD and giving them the ability to have different controls and being able to play on the gamepad or TV, so the extra $1 seems pretty fair to me.