god i love everything about that channel...
god i love everything about that channel...
id be down for a new flag... i like the circle of stars design that is linked myself!
The game is fine... of course besides the various bugs and glitches that make certain things such as side quests annoying... im currently trying to 100% the game but because of bugs i cant finish certain quests... i give the game a 8.5 but if they fix all the stuff that seems to be plaguing the game id give it a…
wait this is a one man mod and or game? i thought this was the new aliens colonial marines game for a second... this is pretty impressive!
lame! ya i signed up for one but i think it was sent to my spam which i just click the delete all button when im looking at spam! so doooh! oh well there are only like a million other hats to choose from lolol
The Thing is absolutely amazing! one of the best horrorish/suspense movies out there!
We cant vote online because hackers will just ruin it by rigging the elections or stealing peoples personal information... sooo never going to happen...
i never got mine :( sad day...
Nexus 7.... after you beat Halo 4 the only other exclusives you can play are Gears of War... and that isnt worth the extra $300 total it would cost for just a game or two
in fact isnt the studio that is making AC3 in Canada? or was it France?
ya but you need couple hundred dollar xbox and to shell out an extra $60 a year for xbox live gold to use those services on top of the fees the already require... roku is just like $80-100 and you are done.
what you said... just skip it and watch the cutscenes somewhere... i myself rented it from redbox for free for a day and was able to beat it in like 7 hours or something redic like that and that was even with most sidemissions done i think... the game really lacks content but is fun.
finally got a ps3 a couple weeks ago and got this game! and finally platinum-ed it yesterday! amazing game! so glad i finally got to play it! will easily pick up the 2nd one on black friday when it is on sale for super cheap!
still find it funny because ive had the final retail version of that "catastrophe" for about a month and a half now and steam and all my games and applications from windows 7 run perfectly fine on windows 8... only difference is the start menu is tiles now and the start up and shut down times are about 3 seconds... so…
I wish! i would totally buy that... but that isnt the windows 8 logo... thats just the new official logo for microsoft.... windows 8 has the windows slanted at an angle... but we could dream....
My roommate and I were messing with these a couple months ago! they are pretty awesome and entertaining! things like bullet time and a run button or totally worth modding as well. i had an incomplete mod where there were Aliens,Terminators and Prawn attacking me it was pretty awesome!
Ive had the full version of windows 8 for about a month now and i dont think anyone needs a tutorial... everything is exactly the same as windows 7 except the start menu is now the tiles! Still dont get why everyone is hating on it... its extremely fast and games run perfectly fine on it as well as everything else...…
Loved super meat boy and binding of isaac so i can dig this idea..... dont see the hate... the randomly generated dungeons of binding of isaac were genius and added alot of replay value to the game!
ya the new one every year thing kinda bugged me... but they werent bad games and they did progress the story.... but doesnt excuse the obvious milking of their franchise... but at least AC3 is made by the same team as the first 2 and they have been working on it for 3 years. So hopefully itll be fresh and new and an…