dont worry the steam summer sale starts pretty soon so hopefully its a sale fairly soon! im waiting for a steam sale myself!
dont worry the steam summer sale starts pretty soon so hopefully its a sale fairly soon! im waiting for a steam sale myself!
its pretty fun and pretty cheap to get now i got my copy last summer for about $10, you dont have too play the first one but you might as well because of how cheap it is.
he was the narrator for pretty much everything in spiderman 2 the game, like the hints, tutorials and story related things! he also makes cameos in all the spiderman movies because the director also directed some of Bruce Campbells movies like evil dead!
i think they include you "owning" the free to play games on steam even though u never have boughten or downloaded the titles
thats why i have a GBA emulator on my wii! ;) tiss a fun way to play the GBA games (you own!!!) without it being illegal...
hey some free to play games have amazing potential!/ fun factor! like Tribes Ascend! great F2P game but nothing of what i think of when i hear F2P but just because it is doesnt mean it cant be a FPS thats bad ASS!!
am i the only one who thinks next gen might suck because everyone is gonna be way too busy trying to make their games look pretty that they totally forget about the gameplay or actual game...
Cave Story, Shadow Complex, the cave, insanely twisted shadow planet? , Aquaria, there are alot more that are more or less metroidvania but castlevania and metroid are obviously the best/ most fun, shadow complex is a must for 360 fans of the genre and i was hoping for a new 2D metroid on 3DS announcement... perhaps…
looks like they are going back to what made halo combat evolved great! and looks like they are throwing in some metroid elements in there! so I APPROVE! looks like it will actually be a fun game/ good story!
true true! i suppose we all will just have to wait and see what happens. we all usually get surprised at one point and things dont always happen how we think they will. so anything is possible i suppose!
sounds like nintendo doesnt care what the other companys do but they do care about the developers and im sure they will still be willing to support nintendo because the more powerful things get the higher the development cost! so even if that isnt enough for some developers to support, we still have some good…
I think he means how the Dpad isnt that great on the 360 controller and as for the stick placement scotty seems fine enough considering how the ps3 has 2 sticks at the bottom, this just has 2 sticks at the top! we will have to wait and see if its comfortable or not
ya ive had both shwarama and gyros! they are amazing! and very depending where u are!
It was a great movie that didnt take itself too seriously! so it was funny and full of action! but i think we are missing the best point of the movie... how shawarma is just amazing!
cant wait for this game! it looks amazing! its like assassins creed + bioshock + half life 2 !!! definitely gonna pick this up when i buy a new computer later this year!
i vote they replace the figure with a wearable face hugger mask!
darn... i bought psychonauts a couple weeks ago when it was $4... but still a darn good deal! i bought the bundle anyway even though i have like all the games, so i can give it to a less fortunate friend! because these games are all worth the full price of each! let alone a lil $7 average!
true true! we will just have to wait and see what happens i suppose... !
so ticked that comic con sold out again... i went forever ago when tickets didnt sell out ever... i literally bought them the weekend before once... and they were only $15 for a day... things truly have changed... what a shame...
This looks Amazing! A shame about how it looks like the co-op rumor is true... :/ but im an optimist so i do believe that they can pull it off without ruining the scare factor! Cant wait for this game! it will be crazy! the dead space series is sooo good!