
I've noticed this in the U.K. when I started watching British tv shows. People looked normal. Some of them might be described as "ugly" others as beautiful as in every day life beautiful, some plain looking, but I could see them on the street. And that amazed me, and it's sad that it amazed me.

If you watch media (tv, news, movies) produced in other countries, both the men and women are significantly less "attractive" than their American counterparts.
Similarly, I once met a woman who was a local newscaster in Connecticut or New Jersey and she told me about how her contract had requirements for not only hair

Well, I guess my question here is, why wouldn't you provide a jacket to your guy friend?

I open doors for everybody so it's no big deal when someone does so for me, but when someone rushes ahead of me to make a big deal out of it, I'm mildly annoyed at most, but not enough to not say thank you or scowl at the guy. I'm just like "Who cares, dude? Chill out."

I have talked to my folks pretty much every day for the last 10 years, and had seen them almost as frequently (Dad died a couple of years ago). It's mostly a chore. My parents are nice people, but my dad never developed much emotional capacity and wasn't much of a talker, and my mom, bless her, just isn't very bright.

I'm really with you, Madeleine, with the exception of Keira Knightly. She's an actress who has been both in box office blockbusters and acclaimed indie movies— that takes away from your argument, to be honest, which I generally think is a solid one. But the rest, especially Kate Bosworth and Sienna Miller—completely.

Or people could just wear whatever personally makes them the most comfortable when they work out and not worry about what other people are wearing.

I am another one of those people because I was just coming to say something similar. The labels are confusing. But it's not the grocery store employee's doing, so leaving in a huff is pretty ridiculous.

"'Is the Rockfish a fish?'

I can't speak for the bread person, but as a longtime veggie head I have learned to ask stupid questions like that. For years I pestered brunch waiters about the meat content of their home fries because of one restaurant that made them with bacon and didn't list that on the menu. The level of pestering questions gets

So, because I am that person, there actually is a difference between free-range/free-roaming and cage-free eggs. Cage-free eggs just means that the laying chickens weren't in a cage, but can be and usually are still confined to a small space like a pen or coupe. Free-roaming/free-range chickens are given more space,

Okay, so what is the alternative? Rose George should have not written this at all?

The point is, we don't get to decide what other cultures should do, seeing as how we aren't part of them.

I definitely don't think the commenter was arguing that all cultures in the developing world are "worthless". They were saying that the oppressive culture that allows women to be treated that way is worthless. Hearing from Nepali women would be great, but regardless of the person who is giving the account, the fact

I see your point, but at the same time I am grateful to this writer for putting this story out there. Awareness is the beginning, now bring on more stories, more voices.

Are you really trying to say that cultures of oppression that deprive women of basic human rights aren't a ridiculous thing to fight to preserve when the cost is the health and safety of women?

Cue the cultural relativists showing up swinging out of the woodwork. :)

Actually this sort of back and forth of maybe this and maybe that and this piece and that piece and not knowing and taking days and days to figure things out lends credibility IMO. It shows they actually are trying to find the truth. There's an actual data based investigation going on.

I get suspicious when a