Sittings on your arse for hours at a time isn't exactly "normal", it's kind of maladaptive and a very recent phenomenon. I don't like the idea that I'm abnormal because I look after my body.
Sittings on your arse for hours at a time isn't exactly "normal", it's kind of maladaptive and a very recent phenomenon. I don't like the idea that I'm abnormal because I look after my body.
I think it's about moderation. Realistically, most people don't need to work out 90 minutes a day, every day, to be "in shape" (I'm only putting that in quotation because "in shape" is a very flexible category depending on the individual). You can probably maintain a healthy lifestyle doing 45 minutes a day.
Serious problems with the show notwithstanding, it's actually not abnormal for people to be engaged in physical activity for 6 hours a day. As previous posts on this story have pointed out, mail carriers, food servers, industrial workers, etc. all do physical activity all day long. Sitting all day at a job is not…
Good heavens, why are you shouting the words "vaginal atrophy?" I understand that this sounds horrific to someone who is, perhaps, many years away from menopause, but all it means is that the tissues in the vaginal canal become dry and more's not quite as if the whole thing shrinks up and goes away. How…
If he is using his FB site for politics it's probably best that he separates his political life from his personal. Half of the states in the US are "right to work" which means that they can fire employees "at will", i.e. they can terminate employment as they see fit without legal consequence (the First Amendment only…
People pretty much exist on a normal distribution in almost all aspects: a few completely suck, a few are completely awesome, most are pretty OK.
The Jon Stamos photo. All I can say is "Have Mercy!"
That Jon Stamos picture.
Please excuse me.
OK, I'll bite.
Jezebel, you're really starting to sound like that jealous girl. You feign concern and your ability to see all sides of a situation, but really you are just belittling a woman who worked really hard to accomplish what she did. You're also probably accomplishing the exact opposite of what you claim you're trying to…
More and more evidence is suggesting that the real danger of obesity has nothing to do with fat, and everything to do with the stigma of being fat.
Yes, the coverage of the Olympics so far has left a very bad taste in my mouth - and this is just day one! It feels so damn petty. Of course, the corruption, the violation of human rights etc, are unforgivable and cannot be ignored... but the rest? Seriously?
Thank you. This isn't the fault of the Russian people.
I don't see any rose-colored glasses on Gargarin. He was the first human in space and the program that put him up there should be celebrated.
"You can see the fat folding over her joints. You can see her three chins. You can see the rolls of fat hanging over the waist of her pants."
"She looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Fat cheeks, cottage cheese arms. It just seems excessive."
Nope. Not gonna punish the athletes.
Are you fucking kidding? Do you think a size 18 looks healthy? How does healthy look? You don't think sizes 00-4 look healthy? Maybe it's because you are so big? Yeah, I went there. Don't ever body shame anyone if you don't want it in return.
Yes, they are definitely healthy. In some cases they are healthier than larger sizes because they are not as associated with stress on joints and problems with mobility. some people are naturally slim just like you are naturally big. I have never been larger than a size 4.