
Wellllllll, while obviously incredibly anal, they have a point. People seriously do not need to eat every fucking where they go. I hate eating in class, eating in meetings, eating and WALKING (weird pet peeve of mine)! Seriously meal time is meal time is meal time.

Ladies and gentlemen, here is an example of the problem.

He looks pretty good in those.

Yes and no about standards: I think that it can be used negatively, but standards are important in the sense that language exists primarily as a tool of communication. I mean, we don't come up with our own syntax and grammar (or spelling to some degree) as we please because we know that fluency of communication is

I hate to be "that guy," but... I sorta get this.

if someone won't share the armrest I'll just put my arm on theirs. DON'T EVEN CARE.

HA! I freaked a dude out really good by refusing to budge when he tried to subtly take over my space by touching legs/arms. When I didn't move, he scooted away again.

That tumblr is TOO REAL.
For me, if someone invades my space, we'll just be touching for the duration of whatever ride we're on. I DON'T CARE.

Why are you guys such miserable gits about this? At least she isn't sitting on her ***, killing time at work and making cynical comments about white privilege to avoid having to do anything interesting with her life.

Hi, I'm that one person. English degree. Read Ulysses on purpose, not in school. I am an army of one. ;)

Ooh, a new way things are 'our fault' - laydeeez, is your husband a no-good, unemployed, shiftless layabout? Is it his fault for being a lazy fuck? Nope! It's YOUR fault for being too good at what you do!

Are you delusional? "Americanizing" probably not as who knows what that means, but as to looking more like a "white" person or one of European descent? Of course it is. The entire dynamic of the procedure is precisely to make the eyes look less asian and more european in shape. That's just an objective observation of

This article and the results of these studies are not suggesting that taking up more space on a bench makes you more powerful. They are suggesting that it makes one *feel* more powerful.

I still don't get the sorority thing. It sounds so uniformly awful to me. But I'm an introverted iconoclastic freak, so...

Ugh. I have a friend who is Kenyan-American, who now holds her PhD and teaches, BUT...she received a scholarship to attend Auburn University for her PhD, and the first day in a class that she was co-teaching, the white male co-teacher told her that she couldn't leave her backpack at the front of HIS class, and that

OMG, Precious Moments, I hate you with a burning, consuming passion. One of my early jobs as a teen was in a Hallmark store, surrounded by these little bastards. They had to be individually dusted and the stupid glass shelves windexed every week...

Interesting thought. I am totally with you on the eating schedule.

What ridiculous headline. Of course more people die in childbirth, there are MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people giving birth, with only a small fraction of that getting abortions, so of course the thing that millions of more people are doing has a higher death toll. It's like when people say planes are safer than

that might be the case for your body but each body is different

Well, this goes to other research that suggests that when women are fertile they tend to want to bang "alpha males" - even if they are dickweeds - but outside their fertility time they want to bang less masculine dudes who are stable and reliable and exhibit more feminine traits.