
I mean, I know that society is patriarchal and women are expected to be sexy and sexually available no matter what we do in society, but I guess now I need to explain that to my sons?

OK. So this was the nagging voice in the back of my head when I first read about this. I don't like the idea of society collectively saying "you were a victim, therefor you can no longer be part of these certain things that we associate with what happened to you because they make us feel uncomfortable." If she is not

Are we really going with the word "racist" to describe dating preferences or attraction? Clearly in many cases these preferences are the result of historical and contemporary attitudes towards men and women of different races and ethnicities. That's an important discussion to have. But I'm so uncomfortable with the

"A woman saying yes to a date with a man is literally insane and ill-advised, and the whole species' existence counts on them doing it. I don't know how do women still go out with guys, when you consider the fact that there is no greater threat to women than men? We're the number one threat to women.

Step One in the abuser's playbook is to isolate the victim. (I almost said "his victim," but it's also VERY possible for a man to be the abused person in a dysfunctional relationship. See, once you've cut off someone, they have no support group. No peers. No one to run to.

Thank you for this, it is very insightful and very good work. If anything this whole incident has shed light on the largely-ignored domestic violence problem in this country.

Okay. Let's get real.

Winter is coming...all over your face.

The ONLY boyfriends that matter to me are Winter Boyfriends.

Sophia has taken it to the next level in the Litchfield salon!

You should team up with the Penn State folks who argue long and loud about how horribly unfair Joe Paterno was treated after he knew one of his closest staff members was raping children.. You guys have a lot in common.

Man this is so much worse. I thought she *could* have assaulted him or something like that (i didn't firmly believe it though) and she just confronts him and he pops her.

What a fucking turd burger this guy is.
Get a divorce lady, this happened once, it will happen twice.

I'm with you. I've been a Raven's fan from the beginning, but I couldn't even bring myself to watch the game yesterday because this whole thing is just so sick. I'd much rather lose without him than win with him at this point.

If a doctor or medical professional asks you to do it, nice try, Dr. Feelgood, but these clothes are staying on. Use your x-ray machine to diagnose skin cancer.

I just want to point out that Crystal Metheny also came from Florida.

Yesterday I saw a mugshot of a woman named Amber Bamber. The poor woman was doomed to a life of crime.

Poor kid. First her parents make her move to Florida, now this.

Maybe it's just that I had my first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season (Basic and don't even care) and I'm in a good mood, but this makes me feel hopeful. The military still has a long way to go in combating a rape culture that it has let fester, unaddressed, for decades, but this is a small step in the right

Kind of knew this was coming and still genuinely sad to hear the news. Unapologetic, badass, SURVIVOR. She came back from Carson. She came back from her husband's suicide and a damn near empty bank account. She came back from the haters time and time again. She owned her surgeries, the pressure she felt as a woman,