
Someone at Porsche really....

  1. Take the money and get it fixed.

And the Jeep transmission problem claims yet another life.

Now playing


I judge people by the tires they put on their cars. I think that’s the most telling thing. Tires are like shoes.

And just to prove their superiority they’re going to achieve all this with the entire motor, control and battery pack mounted behind the back axle....

Once again, Jalopnik, like all of Gawker’s sites, flips between the “we’re a blog!/we’re real journalists!” crap. Pick one. Commenting on automotive personalities is pretty much all Jalopnik does. Since when do you need to be able to “back it up?”

WTF??!!!...Yet when WE ever mentioned it on your COUNTLESS articles (ads?), we were chastised for bringing up “old news”.

Cam angle sensor is on the exhaust side and the cooling return coming out of the front of the engine gives it away. It’s a 1.8L.

Say it with me every one.

2/10 took too long, would not buy.

When buying a used car, is it considered a no-no to bring an OBD-II reader and plug it into the port to see what codes pop out?

Best/only sub 5k sleeper I could find on ebay:

So then the glass hardtop will be like this?

OPPO saves lives!

Holy FordFocus Batman