BLS for Jimmy McMillan

@Hoon that Dodge Colt: I am not positive but it is what I heard. I guess it is one less part. Assemble the headlights and put them in the car rather than both a headlight unit and a side duplicator.

@Hoon that Dodge Colt: I think that they can put side indicator lights right in the headlights that way. Cut costs on wiring and stuff.

@Ben Wojdyla: Promoting someone's comment just to call them an idiot. Nice.

I am sure that was good for the environment.

suzuki cappuccino with the engine carefully handbuilt. Built to smash the Goggomobil record that Murilee wrote about last year.

@Unregular: Don't you know that it is patriotic to steal from your neighbor via government fiat. Also, "USA! USA! USA! USA!"

@MrBangBam: Apparently if you have the gall to post their at all and you aren't one of the chosen few you are banned imediately. Doesn't seem like MarywithanM deserved it. Tolerant group over there.

The though process must have went something like this:

I can see my son doing this. Because according to him (news flash) "church is boring". He is going to be in for a rude awakening when he finds out that he has church every Friday when he starts Catholic school in August. I hope they a vigilant to catch little escapees. I am not too worried because they will see

Even if spelled correctly the US has no official language to my knowledge.

@Alphamazing:This is my first comment 2.0 and I must say I am psyched that I am on your awesome chart.

@Ash78: Is that were the puppeteer is? or do you mean Obama?

@combat chuck: ... because even if you miss you will be splattered on the moon.

@BLS: My mistake that was gallons.

Fine print on the image says the max you can get is $670 on Vera Cruz (Whoever that is?).

@BLS: I am picturing this: