BLS for Jimmy McMillan

@Ash78 and all: There is clearly an agenda here. They want to reward/punish people who chose fuel inefficent vehicles in the past ang get them into cars they clearly don't want because otherwise they would have already bought them.

@ptmeyer84 - is a scared a vampires: I think this is the most likely scenario. People who have an extra car sitting around plus their daily driver that is ready for an upgrade. Take the 4-6 year old car to CarMax or JD Byrider and turn in the clunker then you have $10,000 - $15,000 off your new car not just $4,500. So

@BLS: Also, by = buy

@BLS: see = sea

@nataku83: Like the story recently that the 15 biggest ships create as much polution as the 937 million cars in the world.

@gracilism: Thank you. But don't worry they will pick on your grammar rather than engage you in an honest dialog.

@wkiernan: @Beldrueger: I don't think I said shut down NWS and I didn't say that USPS was making money on letter delivery.

@baldy_pm: I think that is how you have to think about every single thing the government does or you end up with 50 big digs (like the NYC to NJ train tunnel that just started yesterday). My wife has been doing our taxes for the last couple years and I never looked. Just happy to get something back in February. But

I can't wait to start paying for other people's cars. I am getting tired of just paying for their mortgages and credit cards and shitty car companies and banks.

@pauljones: It probably won't qualify because they don't care about your observed milage. They care about what the sticker says. If I remember correctly those cars were rated high 30s or maybe low 40s at the time.

@Beldrueger: I mearly stated the theory behind the boycott. I am not sure what Limbaugh has said about it because I don't listen to him. I am pretty sure Glen Beck didn't come up with it because he would have to stop babbling and giggling to have a thought of his own.

@djthekidd: It is a no brainer for them that is for sure. My fantasy car company would make my fantasy cars.

@TurboBrick: Any one of those cars outsells all the cars in the other lists supplied.

@djthekidd: What are the rules here? Can we just make up cars that don't exist?

@Flathead Smith: Canadian Bacon was before any of his propaganda documentaries. It has John Candy and a bunch of funny cameos. It is seriously funny. Could be that I am from near Canada so the whole north coast thing.

@Flathead Smith: Hey what is whith the Al Gore hate here. Oh, what is that Michael Moore isn't Al Gore with a Beard.