For those of you who thought that smart cars were a dumb idea. Chysler unveils the PeaPod. Suddenly the smart looks pretty good.
For those of you who thought that smart cars were a dumb idea. Chysler unveils the PeaPod. Suddenly the smart looks pretty good.
@rlj676-Carbon Footprint Size - Clownshoe: Well the poor are easier to buy off than the rich.
@Unregular: Good point.
I know this is supposed to be a day of brevity. However, I am having seriously mixed feelings about what is going on with GM. I have been an unabashed GM fan boy for the last 5 years. I have been excited about their turn around. I have been excited about the new products.
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@Unregular: Apparently $6.20. A lot of people will be quiting tomorrow.
@pauljones: I guess that is the difference between "not wanting to" vs. "not willing to".
@Unregular: To be clear. I do not want any homeless kids. Their parents can rent. I don't want to pay for other people's bad decisions.
@Unregular: Are you saying that you don't want a glut of homeless kids in America? Are you even an American?
@Unregular: You forgot to type
I like the car. But alas...
@FromaBuick6: 1990s V12 Coupe for the win.
@Rabbi Dave: Seriously. A clone of the Equinox gets the same milage. I am shocked.
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@baldy_pm — directive 10-289 is around the bend: I am glad that didn't happen because I went to a movie that was very similar to that story with a dude and we cried like women with shoulder-pads watching Steel Magnolias.
@Unregular: It is scarier when you are stuck inside with ghosts.
@baldy_pm — directive 10-289 is around the bend: I guess that is what happens when you start the majority of the sentences with "And then".
@Unregular: Well I have only read one other book and Atlas Shrugged is much better.
@BLS: The worst part of it all is no Porsche RS Spyders. And the P2 Acura has been neutered. Last year it was Porsche Acura 1-2 (but the Acura failed tech after the race).
It was great until the last hour. The Pug lost 5 seconds a lap when the temp dropped. They don't think they will have that problem in June because the temp should stay up.