I only would find this interesting if they have passwords I use, if so time to make the entire alphabet my pass
I only would find this interesting if they have passwords I use, if so time to make the entire alphabet my pass
lets give everyone a million dollars and lets see what happens, cuz at the end of the day its about money!!
i loved this game its was solid , the story wasnt that bad, it was basically the 3rd person and graffiti version of killzone!!
Kids should be shared of Kids like this!
COD and BF are the best games worth buying at 60, best bang for the buck!!!
All this crap about file size , had this idea of games being released in actual hard drives a game can be 175gb no problem sell it on a hard drive!! Only if developers think out the box, we can have the best,longest dynamic game ever over 100 los Santos in one game all in 1440p!!! Or the most epic elder scrolls where…
The more the ps4 is revealing itself the more I dont want it at release or until march!!!no mp3 how can you do that???especially now that simultaneous play is built in? So fucking stupid!!
If anyone at rockstar is watching, for dlc or updated content,please bring back gang warfare/ territory throughout gta v it can be mafias,gangs,rednecks, also which are not so but contantanly fighting for them, bring back drug deals from Chinatown wars,make it a career job where it has levels and gains /loses happened…
The more I play and watch these videos the more I realize ,1) thats why they went all 720p and 2) they had alot of time playing skyrim!!!
K and yet the hundreds of Mario various call for a mario MMO but that would never happen cuz Nintendo has their head up their ass!!!
I call for new ambassadors for Nintendo cuz this and aime is killing the company,seriously it's not 2006!!!
That's the kind of thinking that's failing them!!
No that's why you got a wii u and I can tell u the same thing!!! Slap on your face with wii pad for that!!!
I need an hd mgs1 ,with multiplayer ,the new supermario bros treatment!!