Where are more natural updated xmb, it should be the xmb with updates fro every category with the top reading constantly what friend are doing and playing,if possible stream previews of their game while doing other things on the xmb!! scrolling updates on the bottom of the screen from your choice of real world news,

this need to come to ps4 and xb1!!!!!!

next thing you know we will hear the news of a $379 Xb1 without kinect and headset!!!!!!!piss off micronoff!!!

yeah but i can change the map like exposing a building or a spawn point also COD is the same throughout even if you add flags,bombsites, or or even drop points!!!

yeah COD is a dead fish in the water,battlefield just needs to add multiplayer trophies more of it!!!COD is the same pow pow and GRENADE gameplay over and over!!!!

Only Ms.Hernandez could come up with a article like this!!! Lmfao

Damn , that water is yellow I wont neven touch it eww!!

Mp3 is on sale on psn for 12!!!!

I FUCKING HATE AND DESPISE NINTENDO AT THIS POINT!!!!! How can you make a smash game with all these different characters in one game and not have a story mode nor cutscenes??? How fucking lazy can you be ,Nintendo has nothing new to offer and yet they're allowed to make and release these games with no true critizism

Bootleg MGS!!!!

I smell hd soul blade!!

Spawn in hd!!!

Maricon!!! Lolololloll just had to

Eh, I'll buy I ps4 at that price!!!

Yeah u have to be at most 5'8

Having a full.pokedex in gold,silver,Crystal and payday the heist plat!!!

Wonder how it translates in real life while playing high??? Lol! Hopefully I wontbe hearing srillex when high!!!

Buying day 2!!!!

I honestly wouldn't mone ps2 graphics as long it's packed with action and it's solid!!! Still gonna buy its a Rambo game in 2013!!! Wtf!!!

Really? 80? Cold war? Russia vs USA? Didn't you play blacks ops 2??