Could be an excuse the media is using ,but imagine he didn't play!
Could be an excuse the media is using ,but imagine he didn't play!
Your right! FPS = 1st person view=human perspective view from eyes= arms,torso,legs=movement in multiple angles=Good real FPS!
How far cry gott high scores?its buggy and messy at times on the ps3 don't know about 360 nor pc!
Skyrim is like you playing star wars on the ground,braveheart, and Conan at the same time!
can someone explain to me arma 2 i know its a military sim,but is it multi only,does it have single player?,Story?game modes? Map Sizes?
I thought cabela was about hunting?
Scary thought, this might be around the corner, The new patriots will be the next commies!
Crazy enough thIs retard's mom had registered the gun under her!so the point of gun control is gonna be?death for shooting a gun?cops carry guns and yet they still shoot at unarmed people,and kill them!but it's justified because he's licensed and carry a badge!
Every teen that kills or shoot guns is because of video games!thats always the excuse for these lack understanding reports!
U seethen people talking about fps this, call of duty that,the media hypes this shit and promote it!this games looks super stiff!
FFX is the best. Infinite times better than VII!
I think adulthood begins when you don't depend on nobody but your self to live right and pay bills!
Do you ever ever hear women talk about starting a war or exterminating people??
I'm a playstation fan,and I can tell u why nintendo and Microsoft systems suck!that's the real fanboy!
People tick because of something there's motive ,an on/off switch!that people don't respect even if it can't be Seen!
Hacking hacking hacking time!
I say what what in butt!
Hes a corporate guy ,go figure!
Yeah wii u 2!
It's ok but the substance needs to change!or integrate more into it!