
My MIL is one of those women. She's a typical boomer second wave feminist-scientist, taught her son to cook and do laundry, taught her daughter she could be anything she wanted to be... Fast forward to the present- daughter told her for several years she was being raped 3-4 times a week by her husband, and my MILs

If you're like my grandmother, be molested by her uncle and then blame it on her mother because she abandoned her (and couldn't protect her against said molester). She has never said these exact words but it's so obvious her hatred towards women (she blamed my mom on her abuse from men for not being "smart" enough to

What kind of life experiences does a woman have to have in order to turn into the kind of person who says "oh yea, every one of those women are just making it all up"?

The men who call women "females" would say that they would have no problem using the term "male" interchangeably with "man." The fact that they never do any such thing seems to escape them completely.

I don't know how well acquainted you are with the different parts of speech, but in those posts you linked, female is not being used as a noun, it's being used as an adjective to describe a noun (guard, students, bodies, silencing, activists, etc.). As the article above clearly says, it's the use of the word as a noun,

In the Jezebel articles "females" is used as an adjective in front of a noun, which is entirely correct.

I think the fact that some rap songs replace "bitch" with "female" for the radio-edited version tells us everything we need to know about the term.

Haha. "Lady Doctor: The Doctor for your Lady Parts". It reads like a bus stop ad.

I too have NEVER heard a "female"-using man refer to other men as "males". Seriously, "I was over at my males house the other day...Me and this male were talking..." not something one ever hears.

I clicked the twitter search for "females" and there are lots and lots of posts. The one for "males" seems to always refer to black males. So, in keeping with the dehumanizing trend, basically.

Here's a common example: "alpha males" and "beta males." In my experience, the people who say "males" (outside of, like, medical and law enforcement situations) tend to be sexists who make bullshit generalizations based on gender, just like the people who say "females." In other words, the fact that someone says

In the Police press conference after the murder of Tamir Rice, he was referenced as 'the male' in a very purposeful, dehumanizing way.

Right. It's a manifestation of how, in our society, being male (and white, and straight, and Protestant) is the normative center, which is assumed and does not need to be described, and anything else needs a qualifier. Example:

"I asked him if he knew it was offensive to many. He said he did and that's why he used it. I further pressed him and he said he did not view women as human beings..." Dafuq? Really? Really? Was he just trying to piss you off? I would like to know more about this thought process but also, this is effin terrifying.

It's like people who say things like "I don't care if you're black, white or PURPLE!" You just know they're about to say something fucking awful.

The only time I've heard "male" used in any comparable way is a descriptor by medical or law enforcement personnel: "Black Male presents with chest pains," "White male seen fleeing the area," and so on. And that's not usually in casual conversation, but in a formal setting where said description is important to the

I don't know that I have ever, outside of the context of science and research, heard a man refer to other men as "males." I'm seriously trying to recall a time I've actually heard that term used aloud and I can't. Not saying there aren't men who do this. Just saying I have yet to meet one. However, I've met plenty of

"As Nigatu and Clayton note—we almost never refer to men as "males" in this way."

i want to say that i am of the opinion that it is 100% chill to be repetitive and unoriginal as long as you aren't suffering from the illusion that you're otherwise. my instagram is just monotonous pictures of my dog