
"I’ll give you something to tear your ass in two."

If a fertile mate is the aim, surely men should go for women who have already produced live offspring? Otherwise there's no knowing whether or not a woman will be capable of passing on your genes.

This line of thinking actually makes no evolutionary sense. A post partum body is a body that has PROVEN it can reproduce. If men are just looking to breed as you say, then evolutionarily speaking, they should be hard wired to seek bodies that look reproductively "successful" (ie post partum). Since the maternal death

Please, please, enough with some women having "real" bodies and others having, ummmm, what? Fictional bodies? Let's retire this phraseology immediately.

This doesn't even work using nonsensical evopsych babble. If most married couples only had one child and no one was willing to marry young widows, our population would have tanked a long time ago.

Usually when I smoke pot, all I want to do is watch Adventure Time and fold laundry. It's the best of both worlds!

"We're supposed to be cooking and cleaning and studying and making a living and exercising and dieting and applying makeup and planning weddings and raising children and helping others and going, going, going."

"Once you have a child, your sexual market value essentially drops to zero. "

Spoken like a true virgin.

“Yeah, they’re privileged. But they’ve earned it.”

As an Arab Canadian woman, I've dealt with racism off and on my whole life. I've had people make jokes about "sand n's" and "camel jockeys" with me right in the room. (One time it was even at work, by one of my bosses.) As sad as it is to admit I've sort of learned to shrug it off and ignore it, because if I got angry

What I also find interesting or at least my point of view is the level of insecurity at the success of minorities some of these people must feel. They are happy when blacks, latinos, asians, etc are doing stereotypical things but the moment a minority is somehow "superior" to them (be it finanacially, in the work

...and over 200 years of unpaid slave labor ripped from Africa. I think that helped quite a bit.

Those are aMAZing.

I don't think she's complaining... she's derailing. The clip WKB played was calling out the casual homophobia at the Franco roast and with Silverman the jokes were "Those gay jokes make you look old" followed by a cum dumpster joke. (Too bad Guy Branum wasn't there, I wasn't sure if he was making a point with

And she's also ignoring a bunch of other troubling realities, and the fact that she herself has been part of the very same thing to other women. She made jokes about Bea Arthur's grey vagina. She's inching towards some kind of acknowledgement of how problematic this is. But she doesn't deserve a fucking cookie

SARAH SILVERMAN complaining about offensive comedy? SARAH SILVERMAN complaining about offensive comedy just because SHE'S the target of it this time? And we're entertaining this? You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Have you considered the possibility that writing an opinion piece for a widely-read feminist site—a forum in which many women find the support and empathy that can facilitate positive life changes—is "doing something"? Something valid and potentially helpful both to herself and the readers who can empathize?

While I'm really, really happy for you that you have great self image and confidence, what is your point in bringing it up here? This all comes from my own baggage and likely you're just trying to help show reasons why you should be okay with your own size whatever it may be, but it can come off at best as