
How about when random strangers tell you to "smile" when they pass by you.

It is much more accurately described sex act inflicted upon a person who does not or cannot consent. The "with" implies there was mutual participation whereas "upon" conveys that this was something done to the person and forced on them in violation of their physical integrity. Even if your phrasing is the currently

I've been sleeping naked since i was 12, I was under the (mistaken) impression that that was the norm... apparently not?

Wait, there are people that DON'T sleep naked?

I sleep nude, I didn't realize it was something I was going to be judged about by Jezebel.

Yes, this pedantic, and yes, you otherwise call it rape again and again. But I still think you need to change this sentence: "The woman was reportedly unconscious while Vandenburg had sex with her." He didn't "have sex" with her. He raped her. Stick an "allegedly" in there if you must. But call it what it actually was.

In Florida, the further north you go the farther South you get.

I make beef jelly and eat it with a spoon, cold.

I'll disagree. Texas was part of the old cotton slave loving south and is in the current bible belt and is full of moronic fuckers who are racists.

Looking at it, I'd say he should have kept the Boshevik-Jews on staff, because he's a pretty crappy jeweler.

I swear to God, Aiden, if you show up to work with that motherfucking Ginger Spice dye job, I will gag your bitch face with an extra-small women's Whisky Makes Me Frisky logo tank top and cunt punt you into Hot Topic with the other fucking goths. Capiche?

He's tall and hot, she's young and famous. Everyone's a winner!

It bugs me that charter schools that will serve mostly minority students are often built on a military/super discipline model. The implication is that the students are naturally unruly and unable to control themselves and need more discipline than white children would.


This is really common in schools run by mostly black administrations. They want to be seen as respectable, and in doing so, attempt to limit the outwardly "black" things the kids can do. It's almost always directed at something arbitrary and external like clothing or hairstyles, and almost never works.

David Bowie's codpiece had plenty of power over me.

She's right. Women are definitely not visually stimulated.

I think this lady is using religion as an excuse. I think the real reason she's doing that is to monitor her husband. There is nothing normal about a family browsing through young girls' profiles. And notice how she says "the Hall men."

George Takei for president of everything forever.

holy shit. If that isn't a specimen of male perfection, I don't know what is.