Yay you!
Yay you!
The problem is that Chait is not making quasi-helpful general points about tumblr feminism or anything like that, at all. He is reacting in a personal way to two very specific things that took place recently. First he got beaten like a red-headed step-child by Ta-Nehisi Coates in an argument about racial prejudice…
Not wild dogs. Mothers of daughters. Fathers of newborns. XFFJUNLIFEGDAHSFDIBTQETAAAAAAAH NOOOO WHY DID I CLICK ON THIS FUCKING LINK!?!? My daughters will be home from school any minute now. Any minute. If I'm still crying they'll ask me about it and I don't want to tell them, so, nope, better close this tab. Oh god…
STAHP! NO! He and Benedict Cumberbatch and I are entering a plural marriage, so hands off.
Yeah, and not just "giving money back," "firing so they don't get sued."
Oh damn I'm SO SORRY! SO, so, sorry. I am sending you hugs from afar. I have been stalked before and it blows. I advise you to go bitch at the cops even though they won't give a shit at first, but if you don't have the energy and just need to be you, that's cool too and get through this however you can. [[hugs from…
It's an awesome place to live if you're getting paid well. My health is really bad and it would be tough for me and my husband to keep it all together getting our kids to school, having the house be clean, making food. Here we have a live-in maid (our second; she's from the same hometown as our first, who retired…
Yeah, it's currently the most expensive city in the world; then Tokyo, then London. Hawker centre food is really cheap, though.
Oh, then I guess there is a difference, because that's what country-fried steak is, and I thought chicken fried was the same. What else do they do to it? Panko? Deep fat fry, I guess. That would make it tough, I think.
Mmmmm, chicken-fried steak. Same as country-fried steak in your opinion, or different? In the South we used to make it with cheap-ass chuck steak you had to beat with a meat tenderizing mallet.
Veal is delicious, you get no argument from me. A veal chop is better than a pork chop (the woman who cooked for my grandmother when I was a child in Savannah has died, and she's in heaven if anyone is, so I'll just have to hope she's not paying any particular attention to me right this minute.) Pork is put to more…
OK, cool. Animals don't really normally fuck with you so bad though. I mean, I don't like scorpions at all but I've taken showers in (big) rooms in which they were on the walls (like in beach shack places in Thailand). I had to get the tarantula out of my room in Nevis before I could get to sleep, for sure. My little…
Ha! I tell my children that unless they want to be the kid in their dorm that doesn't know how to do laundry they gots to learn some things. Cool, thanks.
Dude, in America we have black widows, scorpions, copperheads, cottonmouths, brown recluses, Portuguese Man'o War jellyfish, great white sharks, all kind of littler bull sharks and stuff, and I haven't even started to talk about Florida and its escaped feral Butmese pythons at all! One time I was riding a boy's bike…
WORD. Some stuff is weird; I never am into crickets although they are a popular Thai street food because, when you get right down to it, they are just fried bugs. But right next to those dudes are the green papaya salad guys and the sugar cane juice guys, so fuck it.
Aw, thanks, that's nice! It's cool, my life's actually pretty awesome. I'm sick, but I have enough money to pay for the best healthcare in the world (but for real, though—I am an American living in Singapore), and in Singapore I can afford to hire a maid to help take care of my family so I can just do the stuff I…
That's cool too! Check out some old people in the ICU before you make your living will, tho. That shit looks nasty. At home, with the liquid morphine, my family and my dog around, going out on my own terms, yeah. Do I have to eat a gun sammie to make it happen? Mmmm, maybe OK. I'm a person who suffers from depression…
Truthfully, my family has the good fortune to live on an unsullied tidal river, full of delicious oysters, shrimp, crabs and (not delicious on account of we don't eat them, though I'll allow as how in theory they might be delicious) dolphins, which has been so far kept that way by the sheer, dammed-up force of 'old…
Cool! My kids go to the Canadian International School now, (which has a branch in Jurong East I think it probably didn't have when you were here) because we're teaching them to be a bunch of pussies who use words to solve conflicts and shit like that. Actually, I was kind of sad to learn from our Japanese tutor (my…