
No, I kinda even meant the thing you said. Like, I think my grandmother didn't want my dad in the room when she died because he was her only son and she was always fiercely protective of him and she thought it would be too hard on him. She was in what seemed to be the exact same state for hours, and I talked him into

Your wish and mine, buddy. My husband got offered two jobs out of grad school at Berkeley, one in Singapore and one in Arkansas, and not even in Little Rock—like, 45 minutes away. Further. I'm from South Carolina, but...we've got all kind of things to make up for our crippling structural racism, like delicious

My grandmother decided to die, and began to refuse food or drink. The hospice care people assured us this was very common and that she wouldn't be experiencing agonizing hunger or thirst, like I worried about. They gave us liquid morphine for her pain, and liquid valium in case she was in pain, and a liquid to put in

People have a lot of control over that, when they are very old, or ill.

Due, Ken was always so obviously gay. I never had much of a heart for forcing him into relationships with the Barbies when he was not into it.

OK, I'm a woman who's not crazy about the 'tits-out' school of armoring-up, but this is a solid point.

So you're constructing a sentence with grammar so full of fail that the pronouns no longer refer to any definite person or object...also really smart.


Dude, there's 'ah, shit, I gotta wear nude thong underwear with these white pants' and then there's 'oh, fuck, I tied my tits to my chest with hempen twine, BUT TIGHT THO.' Heels, really, you can get used to that. Men only stopped wearing them a few hundred years ago. Strapping the girls down with a maximally

That's OK, your mom told me lots of words give you a headache. Just look at the pictures.

Is it your contention that dude's dick's are often 5/6ths visible and propped up with finely-beaten-brass-ware chain-mail accoutréments, but no one mentions it, passing over the innumerable times such things occur in order to comment only on boobs? This puzzles me.

DON'T TALK SMACK ABOUT SAO! No, I actually love it. Well, when Asuna got downgraded to Princess Peach in season 2 I was fucking pissed off, but still.

I figured ;-)

I kind of love that person. Marc Jacobs has been stealing all his ideas from this one Czech model!

Marvin Gaye did do a ton of heroin, but that wasn't really my point.

Mmmmm. Has this resulted in an improvement in your sex life or...the reverse. In my experience if I am watching anime on my laptop and my husband is grading on his computer we are substantially less likely to drop the needle on the warm vinyl of a Marvin Gaye track, if you know what I mean.

Why am I letting myself be trolled, is the question we should all be asking ourselves, given that I know perfectly well MRA/PUA cheesedicks just rotate in and out of the Jezebel comments trolling continuously in a fountain of bullshit that's like the chocolate river in Willa Wonka's factory, except exactly the

You are way more coordinated than me, and I quit drinking.

You think 'woman are out of touch with reality these days' and 'only go for the bad boys'.' you think they've taken away all the hot young wives that betas used to get (before modern society destroyed expectations of women marrying young? one imagines? This is the standard line.) You think that one insane person

No conjugal visits for prisoners without upcoming parole; perhaps if you read the article rather than coming down here in a lather about how murderous alphas are stealing your babes you would know this already.